i bought some replacement number boards that are all clear. I searched the forum looking for a way to stain them or paint them so that the number board is dark but the numbers show up as light on a dark background when installed and lit from behind. I appreciate the help.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
They used to sell decals that were black with clear numbers......when lit looked like you stated. Not sure if they make them any longer. The new decal maker that is a OGR sponsor should be able to make them,
AMCDave is referring to Dave/LBR who many here have used, myself included, and sing his praises. He can make what you want. Just click on the underlined.
I think that the OP is asking for help on coloring the background on postwar style numberboards. Decals won't help there.
I just picked up some repro boards for my 2367 Wabash F-3 and was thinking about this. I have to look at another F-3 first to be sure, but I might paint them black and wipe the paint off the numbers while still wet.
Thanks for the replies. The number boards I have are the postwar style with raised numbers, but they are clear. I like your idea John23. I am glad it is that simple.