Originally Posted by moderneraSG:
The Steeltoys EL that Navy.Seal brought up, is really cool. But like Bob mentioned, Pat Fusco is no longer making the system. If you ever see some you should pick it up (if nothing else, a few of us on the forum would like it!). I have included a few pictures of the Steeltoys system. Far better constructed and detailed than any other system I've seen, but still holds that tinplate charm.
Do you have the Steeltoys (Steel Toys?) EL on your home layout? If you do, pictures please!
PS. What is going to be the publication date for your book on Modern Era Standard Gauge? If you wait too much longer to publish, all the remaining "modern era" manufacturers will have gone out of business like Steel Toys did! IMHO your book could certainly help generate renewed interest in and greater sales of Standard Gauge trains, track and accessories that in turn would help keep the few remaining Standard Gauge manufacturers in business! Please publish your book ASAP, i.e. NOW! :-)