Aside from what is great inspiration on, does anyone here have a 4x8 layout for their Std. Gauge trains? It would probably take me forever to find 'em on the layout forum, so posting it here.
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Is 8X16 close enough? BTW I got rid of the "Garbage" Graves track and went back to Tubular standard gauge track. "Old school"
not even close, but thanks for sharing it! You've got a great layout, and a great room!
Chris, That's a nice layout. Enjoyed watching the video.
Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
Is that your 5X8 layout in the video? It's nice. What is the Big Ben looking clock tower in the video?
Yes that was a layout I built with one of my Grandsons a couple of years ago. It was a summer project to keep him out of his mom's way for a few weeks. He loved working on it, especially the soldering. The Big Ben is a Walkers Chocolate tin. There is a working clock on one side. Very popular piece at shows.
I have a 4' x 8' O-Gauge layout, but unfortunately it's not a Standard Gauge. I figured I share some pictures and maybe it could give you some ideas. I really like Standard Gauge but I currently don't collect them because the scale is so large to fit in a small space.
MBA: outstanding O gauge layout!
I have come to the realization that there really is much you can do with a 4x8 or 4x12 standard gauge layout other than a few loops and maybe a point-to-point trolley line. In my opinion what makes a small layout standard gauge layout standout is the scenery. If I had an unlimited budget, which I do not, I would hire Roger Farkash, TWTrainworx, Dallas, TX to do my scenery. Several years ago he did a re-creation of the standard gauge Scenic Railways Layout 177 which was outstanding.
Thanks LV4TRAINS. I think you are right. Scenery really helps to add color to your layout. I personally am not interested in how realistic my layout looks. I'm more interested in color and vintage style. The majority of my layout is made up of either metal (tinplate) and some wood materials. I really try to avoid anything plastic.
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
57" loop?? Where did you get the 57" curves from?
How did you get the Pride Lines Disney circus cars to run on the track? Are they new, or vintage pieces?
MBA posted:
I love this!!! Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures, very inspirational.
Is the Mickey and Minnie handcar a repro or an original?
The Mickey and Minnie handcar is new custom. It's an MTH O-Scale handcar (I found on e-bay) combined with a Christmas ornament I found on Amazon. I put it all together and painted it up. Here is a youtube video that showed me how to do this:
Carey TeaRose posted:Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
57" loop?? Where did you get the 57" curves from?
How did you get the Pride Lines Disney circus cars to run on the track? Are they new, or vintage pieces?
USA Track LLC carries the 57" track. Got the Pride Lines Mickey cars from Frank Davanzo. He sells them regularly. See
Matt. Great looking layout. Really captures the essence of tinplate. Well done!
Lv4trains posted:Carey: I have a 4x12 layout, which is still a work in progress. Trying to figure out the scenery.
terrific, also inspiring.
Lv4trains posted:Carey: I have a 4x12 layout, which is still a work in progress. Trying to figure out the scenery.
love the MTH little houses with the scenic stuff!
I definitely bought way more than can be used on the layout. But I do not regret buying any of it.
My layout is a collection of old, new, realistic, fantasy. When I purchase anything for the layout, it is either for a specific purpose or in most cases, simply because it catches my eye. And each purchase makes me feel like a kid again on Christmas morning. I have also been blessed to have a great friend who has given me some trains. And those naturally are special, as are trains from family members.
Short answer, never regretted buying anything. Feel very fortunate to be able to do so.
Don't dismiss the layouts shown on the If you are looking for some nice 5' X 9' Standard Gauge layouts, which will provide you with more interesting operations as noted by others above, I recommend you start by looking at those on the "All Gauge Page". Here you will find several interesting Standard Gauge layouts including several nice 5' X 9' layouts shown in their "Fun Action Layouts for Standard Gauge" section. Each of these includes a 3D view (example shown below), a track plan (example shown below), and both track and accessory materials lists.
Bob Nelson
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
Papa, what do YOU use for switches please with your USATrack?
I love the many 5x9 layouts shown on this thread- but not sure Tom will buy into it. As the loop of track will layout, we're very close to 4', and we still have to be able to walk around the couch, the pool table, and the stereo & tv bookcase cabinet. I'm darn lucky he's letting me put a loop with plywood on his hardwood floor around the pool table as it is.
It's also worth while looking at some of Thor's 4x6 SG layouts. A couple of extra feet of straights and you have your 4x8.
if your using fast track on floor, get some of that non slip shelve liner, rubberized, cut to size, might not look that good under tube track,
Carey TeaRose posted:Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
Papa, what do YOU use for switches please with your USATrack?
I use original Lionel manual switches. Works great, but I do little switching.
if you go old lionel, a guy in san diego, has manual and auto, nice shape, and AM flyer switches,
riki posted:if you go old lionel, a guy in san diego, has manual and auto, nice shape, and AM flyer switches,
contact info or ebay seller name?
Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
Papa, is that tan carpet I see this layout running on?
Carey TeaRose posted:Steve "Papa" Eastman posted:Carley, Going 5 x 8 will open a lot more possibilities. A 42" loop and a 57" loop.
Papa, is that tan carpet I see this layout running on?
Carey, yes, brown carpet from Home Depot. The tin colors really show up on it.