Anyone aware if there have been any KNOWN "bad batches" of these received from the sub-contractor?
I have been buying up the traditional BAL motors from MTH. Have had issues with a couple (you wonder whether they just put the problem children back on the shelf). I have had to turn the armatures on a couple because the laminations were not even - I suspect the punch tooling was wearing out and the Chinese just say, 'Power on, motor turns, in the box - done'.
Had one where the bracket the holds the spur gears (and is peened into the side plate), was significantly loose, the motor would run fine in one direction only.
When you are building locos that require 2 of these, and you want to supply new, you work with what you can get - MTH is the only remaining game in town (and will not rerun the traditional motors.
I have a number left to build future Harmon engines.