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Thank you all for the kind comments.

Rob. Centre flows I'm interested. I have a few of those, thought I'd never use them I must find a photo, I will study my books more closely!! Always looking for new traffic.

Pierre. You have already visited the layout in 3D form remember that photo a few years back if I come across it I will post it I'm afraid my photo files are a complete mess! 

Erik. One day I will buy a decent camera!  Your photos are the best I have seen on the forums and I have been around for a long time. Thank You. 


Here is class leader #1 first of six. The headlights on the rear a little bright going to half them, the light on the top flashes, headlight on front just right, ordered some new LED's for the rear hopefully not as bright. The windows will be blanked off, maybe only one side, and a bloke with the controls in his hands on the front as it's summertime handrails applied. Then the decals,  Republic Steel and Remote control, and a number, are finished waiting. This is a combined effort Bruce Temperley and myself, Bruce is a good friend and operator he does the electronics we are both learning. Roo.





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Thank You Allan for the kind words. In return I enjoy this forum not just the 2-rail section but all the forums here, These forums are great for O scale in all forms may it continue for many more years. There are no O gauge 3-rail layouts where I live and very few if any USA O Scale 2-rail layouts apart from my own so the forums here fill in for what I am missing out on.

jpv.  The mill is getting bigger everyday! Thanks.


Well the gantry is finished now for the crane.

The Rolling Mill building is unique it is made up out of a mixture of wood and styrene the wood keeps the costs down.

Here is a photo of a clown holding the building showing how strong he is!  And here it is back on the layout ready for Friday. One day it will all be painted and detailed.





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When you decide to build a O Scale Steel mill you better be prepared for some large buildings ! (Ask Dave) 

All mine have to be built on all sides as I can't place them against the wall anywhere so I can't make any flats.

Buy plenty of Styrene, 3mm MDF, wood shapes and wood and styrene glue. Having a lot of patience helps to.

Now to prepare the layout for tomorrows session.

Thanks fellas. Roo.


Because my main interest in Model Railroads is operation or just plain switching trains I have chosen to build the main parts of the Mill which for me are more suited for operation and movement, after all ,this whole thing was inspired from the MR article in Nov 1950 I have the mag, when I was looking for ways to stop handling endless cars on and off the layout I found the Steel mill was the way to go. The parts I have chosen to build are Blast Furnace, Foundry and Rolling Mill. I have left out the Slab mill and Open-Hearth furnace and substituted the Foundry to receive scrap and produce slabs maybe I use the word Foundry wrong maybe I should call it an Open-hearth furnace who cares, they are only words I know what I have!

I did write about your castings and service here at the OGR forum don't know if you saw it, I am not the type of person that hands out praise lightly, but you deserved it they are good. I know you are a busy man please try and do more items soon I will buy them.   


Roo yes I saw the post and I do appreciate your comments as we do try to ship quickly and always pack the item as one customer stated for Armageddon. We are trying to make details that are needed for O Scale that no one else has. trust me as we are building a layout that will feature a large steel complex as well as a large coal mine there are many items that will be needed for both of these. we are also working on details for engine houses, gas stations( already have eco meter and old style electric welder and a lighted gas pump) 3 sizes of propane bottles, and much more. we have also taken on the complete line of Arttista figures with all items in stock, and Monday will be placing our order for Micro-enginering  track. We also handle everything that Walther's carries and can combine orders on all the above.

So bear with us as we have BIG plans for 2017 but we need to get caught up from the O scale show in Chicago and the preparation for the Strasburg show. After that watch for many further items that should interest you and many others. Again thanks for the complements we do appreciate them greatly.

I built a stairway today. Then I ran out of angle strips and had to stop keep my fingers crossed someone in Perth will have the strips otherwise it's all stop and no go. One day I might be able to afford to place a large order from the US for Evergreen shapes just one of the hassles of scratch building on a budget, stopping and starting. Be nice to have one of those large stands full of strips that the hobby shops have. I'll get there. Roo.




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Thank you for the kind remarks they help me a lot.

Due to the enormity of this project (for me anyway) I have decided not to post anymore photos or reports on the forum at the present time. I am not upset with anybody I am just trying to lessen the load so to speak the less distractions the better. What I am disappointed in is that I sent a number of emails to certain gentlemen on the internet (No one here) about plans and information and made it clear I was prepared to pay for any costs involved with no questions asked and never received one reply not even to say we don't do that anymore, nothing. So I decided to go alone and design my own blast furnace I scoured the internet and bought up virtually every book I could lay my hands on about modelling the steel industry including long out of print Dean Freytag's books, all the Morning sun books the Ghost rail books anything and everything I could lay my hands on copied photos from the internet filed them neatly in folders had my good friend draw up some basic CAD drawings and started, I am about half way there with a "Made in Australia" American blast furnace.

When the Furnace is finished I estimate it will have costs me at least $2500 probably more, without my labour costs. I have bought endless Evergreen/Plastruct packets and of course I would not mentioned how much the above books have cost and the shipping. Do I regret starting this project? NO I don't, I have found it to be one of my best modelling projects ever and I enjoy every minute of it even when I dropped the superstructure off the furnace onto the floor six feet down onto a concrete floor and destroyed it, I just sat down stunned for an hour and started again this time more carefully.

Keep in mind I don't have the Skills and resources that Dave and Alan but they had to start somewhere once to I just started late! I'm just a average modeller who won't give up easily.

That's all I have to say one day you will see the results.



Roo i for one can hardly wait to see the finished mill. I think you are too hard on yourself when it comes to the quality of your modeling skills. I always look forward to see what you have done and the tips you have passed on in here and at OST over the years. Just keep plugging along and you will have something that many just dream about.

also if there is anything we can help you with we have 2 members in our club that have years of working in steel mills in youngstown ohio. there is a video of their workmanship posted on you tube under youngstown nodel railraod association steel mill job. they have been invaluable in what we are bringing to market.

Roo posted:

Thank you for the kind remarks they help me a lot.

Due to the enormity of this project (for me anyway) I have decided not to post anymore photos or reports on the forum at the present time. I am not upset with anybody I am just trying to lessen the load so to speak the less distractions the better. What I am disappointed in is that I sent a number of emails to certain gentlemen on the internet (No one here) about plans and information and made it clear I was prepared to pay for any costs involved with no questions asked and never received one reply not even to say we don't do that anymore, nothing. So I decided to go alone and design my own blast furnace I scoured the internet and bought up virtually every book I could lay my hands on about modelling the steel industry including long out of print Dean Freytag's books, all the Morning sun books the Ghost rail books anything and everything I could lay my hands on copied photos from the internet filed them neatly in folders had my good friend draw up some basic CAD drawings and started, I am about half way there with a "Made in Australia" American blast furnace.

When the Furnace is finished I estimate it will have costs me at least $2500 probably more, without my labour costs. I have bought endless Evergreen/Plastruct packets and of course I would not mentioned how much the above books have cost and the shipping. Do I regret starting this project? NO I don't, I have found it to be one of my best modelling projects ever and I enjoy every minute of it even when I dropped the superstructure off the furnace onto the floor six feet down onto a concrete floor and destroyed it, I just sat down stunned for an hour and started again this time more carefully.

Keep in mind I don't have the Skills and resources that Dave and Alan but they had to start somewhere once to I just started late! I'm just a average modeller who won't give up easily.

That's all I have to say one day you will see the results.




I will see if I can find the diagram I used for my blast furnace.  It had diameters at certain elevations.  My furnace body is the second one I built so I know all about frustration.  I also dropped the catwalk structure for my hoist too.....

Your facility is turning out much nicer than mine.  I would be happy to share any techniques and materials that I used.

Keep on keepin' on!!!!!



I think when you get done with the steel mill it is going to be as large as my entire layout! You are an excellent scratch builder - keep it up.

With respect to your comment about obtaining plastic in Australia, I have some customers there and in New Zealand who have expressed the same thoughts. I asked one of my suppliers why they don't supply plastic in Australia, the basic answer was shipping and customs fees made it extremely difficult to be cost effective. Best thought I can give is to collect all your railroading buddies and see if you all can combine for one big order. If the order is big enough you can always ask for a discount.

Good Luck


Just a quick update to says thanks to everyone you are all good blokes. 

And a photo. Skip machinery house, (working out the sizing was a nightmare no drawings) a couple of small maintenance cranes, the stairs and framework sitting in the HOT West Australian sun not all those parts are painted properly just the areas I can't get to after they are assembled.

I don't call in much at the moment so any questions maybe would be better later.

Thanks again. Roo.







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