Roo posted:
Roo, those are excellent!!!
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Have to follow this build ....excellent !!
Thanks George and Nessmuck better make yourself a few coffees you could be following for a long time!
Looking good Roo. Heavy weathering is in order for sure.
Glad to read your back is cooperating with you.
nice scrap heap
ROO.... I have been following along for a long time and the progress, as well as the excellent modeling, is more inspiration for us all. One great thing about The Forum, how fellow modelers influence and assist others. Yes, glad to see and hear of you and your wife are doing good in the New Year. Thanks so much for everything you contribute, all is so fantastic!
Jesse TCA 12-68275
Thanks Joe, Jesse, Erik.
Your progress looks great! Have you built any flat cars to haul steel plate?
Sure am glad you live in Australia - you would be stiff competition here in the US!
Beautiful work
For a number of years it was called "Bay Ridge Harbour Rail Road" this is when I was modelling a small area of New York Harbour in the 50's.
Now it is called "Yulan Valley Railroad" based somewhere in the Midwest in the 60's.
Of course all this is in the owners mind it's all fictional I just enjoy running trains in a nice setting.
When I'm home I try to have an operating session every Friday with two of my mates good fun.
The track plan has altered slightly from what I have just posted.
Thanks Roo.
That's some awesome work, Neville.
I would like to watch the railroad operations in your steel mill, Roo. Please make a video. Thanks.
Thanks Matt and MELGAR.
One of these days I will make a video of the railroad have to buy or borrow a camera first!
I'll tell you what I might do is take a series of photos of the trains during a typical operating session leaving the steel mill not as good as a video but something for a start.
Roo posted:Thanks Matt and MELGAR.
One of these days I will make a video of the railroad have to buy or borrow a camera first!
I'll tell you what I might do is take a series of photos of the trains during a typical operating session leaving the steel mill not as good as a video but something for a start.
A detailed series of photos with a description would be great, Roo.
The trouble with a Steel mill model you can work on it for the rest of your life, there is always something you can add, it just goes forever, the trick is knowing when to stop so far I haven't stopped. I finally made the down pipe and the struts to support the platform and the pipes coming out of the furnace The crane (not finished) was made just to add a bit of bulk and to make things easier for maintenance crews maybe I'm wrong but it looks alright to me
I just discovered your logo for the railroad and of course your kind words thank you very much I will show it to the operators and see what their reaction is we have been working on a logo ourselves let you know soon thanks again. Roo.
We had a operating session today just the three of us. I'm the bloke sitting down resting my foot after a minor operation not doing to much in the way of walking, but I never miss a chance to run the trains so I went out and bought a cheap chair to sit on. We enjoyed ourselves a good day. I changed the turnout to quick and put a few cars off the rails the other blokes laughed at the boss for making a mistake! Roo.
Nothing quite like sharing a passion with like minded buddies or mates, as you say.
Ron H
The mill is looking fantastic!
The whole layout, including the backdrops, looks terrific, Roo. Hope you are back to walking around the layout soon.
I wish I lived near you Roo!
I was told I'd be taken to Australia back in the late 80's when I was on tour. It didn't work out. I'll never know what I missed out on fully. I do know I missed out on meeting you!
Nev, I fell a few weeks behind on your posts and just caught up. I think those backdrops are fantastic and your mill keeps getting better. Always glad to see pics of your run sessions. You and your mates always seem to enjoy them so much. Sorry to hear about the foot surgery, never fun no matter how minor, but good to see it didn't put a dent in your run session.
Sorry can't be there again Nev. Yeah, I know..... excuses, excuses :>
We are in the middle of building the new bookshelves which will help in storing some of the stock so I can lay out the station area in the garage.
I'm back on my feet again and feeling a lot better.
I put some figures in the Steel mill and decided to take some photos but the photos are lousy. The photo with the Treadwell twin pot car I think looks good (the car not the photo!) I painted some with insulated work clothes on some of the blokes they are just cheap Bachmann figures. I'm working on the foundry at the moment, one day I might finish something if I live to 100 !
The figures are starting to bring that beast to life. Nice work. Over on the "What have you bought Lately" thread in the three rail forum I remember someone posting some steel mill workers. They were unpainted but definitely in the insulated outfits that should be silver. I think one even had a ladle in hand.
Very nice Roo. And the photos are fine.
I absolutely adore your layout, Roo.
The level of detail is fantastic.
danielb posted:I absolutely adore your layout, Roo.
The level of detail is fantastic.
It really is superb!
What figures are they? Product number please! I have been struggling to find similar items.
It's really a fantastic layout!
jpv in France
Thank you all for your kind words. I wish you blokes lived closer you would be welcome to come and help me operate the layout.
BRADA. The figures are Bachmann Maintenance Workers #33156 most hobby shops and the Bay have them for sale.
I had to paint the Steel Workers Silver, and I had trouble finding suitable items to. When I found these I bought four sets mainly to make the shipping to West Australia worth it. Roo.
I'm amazed at the scope and detail of your mill layout. It's nothing short of amazing.
Although Bay Ridge had to be scrapped in order to make room for the new layout, that is what railroaders call progress. I loved that old layout.
I have a couple of questions concerning the blast furnace if you don't mind answering them. What did you make the blast furnace from? Is it all scratch built or bashed from kits ?
Also what are the stoves made from?
I am building my own steel mill layout in 3 rail Orange but it will be nothing compared to yours.
I found on YouTube and couple of videos of steel mill works from the1950's. Just type in "open hearth furnace" and select "Steel town" and there are 3 threads of a movie filmed at the kaiser steel plant in California .
Be talking to you,
Bill Trzaskus
O gauge, I hate speLloyd check
Bill Trzaskus
You've done a fantastic job replicating a steel mill within the confines of your space. When I was just starting out in the work force, one of my first jobs for a period of time, was working at the Ford Motor Companies Rouge Steel Plant. The only constructive criticism I have is that your steel plant is toooooooooooo clean!
These are very dirty places and there should be remnants of slag all over your cars, on the ground, bent and badly beaten cars, rails that are practically filled in between them, blackened dirt, oil spills, etc. The buildings should be dirty on the outside as well as on the inside. Nothing at the plant stays clean for long. Your employees who work near the furnaces all should be wearing heavy long sleeved and pant protective clothing, colored medium/light green along with hard hats.
I'd suggest looking at some colored photographs of steel plants to see what I'm trying to convey.
Otherwise you've done a fine job capturing the various operations.
Keep up the good work!!
Beautiful work Roo
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