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Just a quick update on the Steel mill.

Just finishing off a small crane for the highline, the furnace is going real well and another box of ingot moulds arrived on the stage coach just this morning from Marty everything is starting to fall into place, I'm happy with my modelling, disappointed with some comments about me on another forum but that's life can't please everyone I won't play their silly game. I'm still here at OGR. Thanks for looking. Roo.













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Roo posted:

I'm happy with my modelling, disappointed with some comments about me on another forum but that's life can't please everyone I won't play their silly game. I'm still here at OGR. Thanks for looking. Roo.












Roo, I think your modeling is dynamite(just don't get that too close to the blast furnace). I don't know how anyone can criticize what all here have said is fantastic looking in our eyes, let alone anything else you have taken the time to make. If they persist on being a banana head, you could always block them(or don't and not give them that satisfaction they want). Keep up the great work, we all love it. Can't wait to see more.

Roo posted:

..... disappointed with some comments about me on another forum but that's life can't please everyone I won't play their silly game. I'm still here at OGR. Thanks for looking. Roo.


 There is a guy who makes rude comments to me on another forum. The first forum he started on, kicked him off. The next one, closed or sold and changed format, he isn't allowed on another forum, so finally he followed me here. He starts off asking questions, and then uses any info against me or MTH he gets.

He even donated money to a forum to help him look better. So they edited his posts for him. He just is not smart enough on his own.

 I can't believe guys like that are out there. I guess no one ever beat the snot out of him yet? Maybe they did and he lost (rare) brain cells?

 You can only push someone so far. Everyone has their line that shouldn't be crossed. But life is not worth the hastle of confronting every idiot. As much as I can, I turn the other cheek. I can't tell you how many idiots are ready to fight about stupid stuff. If you are happy, it draws them out, as they are not.

That stinks ENGINEER-JOE, and you are probably right about the brain cells. It is unfortunate that some people can't differentiate between constructive criticism, opinions, and downright rudeness. As many great elders have said(whether mom, dad, grandparents, etc.), "if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything."

Everyone has probably met one of these types, and it is annoying when they just won't keep their heckling(or whatever you want to call it) to themselves. Never let them deter you from what you want to accomplish.

I just wish I had the modeling skills to do these things(time would be nice too). Maybe one day I'll get there and be able to post some nice things like this that I would build on my own from scratch.

# ROO  #.... Marvelous work sir. Amazinng, and I cannot get over the work on the steel mill... You inspire so many.... I only wish I could help you with shipping from the United States..... I get lots of parts, it's you skill that I dearly am at a loss.. lol

Thanks again sir! YOU are Appreciated. 

An update on the furnace.

Nothing is finished (I wish it was!) lots more to come, been tied up for a couple of days renovating Old Weaver hoppers I found on that other place needed these hoppers for the mill as during all this turmoil I still try to have a run session every week.

I hate myself for saying this, please don't ask me any questions yet, one day I will answer everything about this project but at the moment I am a bit stressed out with a touch of the flu, still working but slowly, your a good bunch of blokes here, which is why I think you deserve an update every so often.

I have no intentions of detailing this model like Mr Freytag did, but I have both his books and lots of ideas still coming. next time you will see all the ovens, cyclone, scrubber, and gas cooler (they are all made) connected up along with the elevator and stairways etc etc etc........

This morning was great, at last the crane grab arrived from Germany, so I can actually finish something!

You know what the initials for West Australia are, WA....Wait Awhile.

Thank you. Roo





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Roo posted:

Keep in mind I don't have the Skills and resources that Dave and Alan but they had to start somewhere once to I just started late! I'm just a average modeller who won't give up easily.

That's all I have to say one day you will see the results.




I don't know much about steel mills and blast furnaces, but I do have one tip for you:  If you can manage to please that Rossiter fellow, then none of the rest of it matters!

G'day from an OLD yankee,



Roo posted:

I hate myself for saying this, please don't ask me any questions yet, one day I will answer everything about this project but at the moment I am a bit stressed out with a touch of the flu, still working but slowly, your a good bunch of blokes here, which is why I think you deserve an update every so often.

Looking forward to that day - lots of great attention to detail!

Flu will drag you down, but if you can get up to do a bit of anything, the activity is good mental therapy - accomplishing something is positive!

I put captions on the photos to explain what they where about but can't see them anywhere must have done something wrong. The three blokes in the photos all good friends of mine are Big John, Raoul, and Bruce. Bruce is the one with grey hair he does all the electrical and drawings OK, he also is wearing glasses

Sorry about the captions.   Roo. I think I have it worked out should have been under titles! maybe. Oh Well...




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  • General view of Yulan Valley yard. Rolling Mill on Left.

I can be so rude sometimes or just plain forgetful.

Thanks everyone for the kind remarks and a special thank you for Alan it means a lot to me coming from the guru of styrene, has even managed to cheer me up  almost over the flu hope I didn't give it to the other blokes didn't seem to worry them they left me in the corner where the Rolling mill controls are away from everyone.





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Roo posted:

I can be so rude sometimes or just plain forgetful.

Thanks everyone for the kind remarks and a special thank you for Alan it means a lot to me coming from the guru of styrene, has even managed to cheer me up  almost over the flu hope I didn't give it to the other blokes didn't seem to worry them they left me in the corner where the Rolling mill controls are away from everyone.




Roo That is fantastic love it.

That's outstanding work Roo!

We're in the middle of developing a steel mill complex for our club layout, which will contain many of the same components you've built: blast furnace, elevated dump trestle w/ adjacent dump yard, a re-heat building, rolling mill, and hopefully a place to dump slag.

I've been following your progress with great interest. Well done.

Roo posted:

I put captions on the photos to explain what they where about but can't see them anywhere must have done something wrong. The three blokes in the photos all good friends of mine are Big John, Raoul, and Bruce. Bruce is the one with grey hair he does all the electrical and drawings OK, he also is wearing glasses

Sorry about the captions.   Roo. I think I have it worked out should have been under titles! maybe. Oh Well...



Actually Roo, the comments are on the pictures. When you click up the picture to view them, it is at the bottom of the picture itself. I found that out earlier this week when I posted something. Looks fantastic, great work with a good bunch of friends. Keep up the great work.

First thanks everyone for the kind remarks and chris I would love to see some photos one day of your clubs Steel Mill.

During this project I have made many mistakes as I get a better understanding of a Steel mill I have made some small changes one was the front of the pouring floor building my inspiration came from STEEL MILL RAILROADS Vol 5 pages 93-94.

I had to rebuild the front of the building now I am happy with it here are before and after photos the "after" photos is the one with stairways. Still some details to be added but the main part is finished.


Todays version roof higher, balcony, stairs.Early photo of Pouring Floor building

Last edited by Roo

Roo, it seems like you and your mates really enjoy your operating sessions at the mill.  Therefore I declare your modelling efforts a total success regardless of what anyone says or thinks your mill is serving it's purpose.  Oh by the way I guess Raoul and Bruce are twins, gray hair, glasses

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