COMMON MODE FAILURE? I have 3 MTH UP Proto 2 Premier turbines [detailed below], ALL of which behave as follows:
1. They start & run fine....for about a minute [or less; or more]. Then they lapse into what seems to be CLICKITY-CLACK MODE. I lose all other sounds, but still have speed control.
2. Hitting START UP brings them to a stop, and normal sound resumes. In fact, they even remember sound commands that were given but ignored; such as bell.
3. The cycle then repeats....
4. Neither FEATURE nor FACTORY reset cures the problem.
They are:
1. Propane turbine; bought 2/02; no details on 'voltage' ....probably 5v?
2. Big Blow gas turbine; bought 4/06; (3V PS-2);
3. Coal turbine; bought 9/09; (3V PS-2)
....I wonder if it's NOT the engines, but some other DCS quirk. I've tested some non-turbines to see if there's a difference. They are fine!
Is there anyone @ MTH who might help me? [Assuming that the forum experts here are stumped....]