Please check out the OGR calendar section for details of our upcoming 04/17/2021 Train Show/ Swap Meet.
Thank you for supporting us for 13 years!!!
John P. Dunn Sr / Rich Yoder Scale2Rail Promotions
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Please check out the OGR calendar section for details of our upcoming 04/17/2021 Train Show/ Swap Meet.
Thank you for supporting us for 13 years!!!
John P. Dunn Sr / Rich Yoder Scale2Rail Promotions
Replies sorted oldest to newest
I’ll be there with a ton of great deals. Reducing my inventory. As it’s said: ‘My loss is your gain’!
Will Bob Lavezzi have his wall of trains and Weaver parts?
I hope to be there this time with a good selection of kits, brass cars (clearing out the inventory and roster), scratchbuilt cars (been a busy year, ), and lots of structures..........
Dear Forum members,
Bob/Karen Lavezzi a s well as the usual suspects will be there.
Our last show in October 2020 was the O scale track show- the most selection I have ever seen !!!!
@mwb posted:I hope to be there this time with a good selection of kits, brass cars (clearing out the inventory and roster), scratchbuilt cars (been a busy year,
), and lots of structures..........
shoot me an email please.
I'm planning to be there as well!
Under Calendar response RadioRon asked;
"Do you have many attendees at a Scale 2 rail event ? It is such a tiny sub-group of O gauge.
Good luck though!"
Dear Ron,
We generally have between 200-250 attendees / dealers to the event and 85 to 100 tables reserved.
As our event is one of only a handful in the United States that cater strictly to our O Scale 2 Rail fraternity we appear to satisfy the attendees with dealers and modelers selling there excess treasures.
Since you live in Delaware, hope to see you on the 17th of April,
Thank you,
Hi John, Leroof (Pierre ) here.
Are there tables available for this show?
kind of a long shot but I may arrange a trip down.
Dear Pierre,
Please give me a call 609-432-2871. Of course we have a table for you !! john
Dear List,
I spoke to the new owner of the All Nation Line , John Wubbel, and he will be coming to the 04/17/21 Strasburg show.
It will be interesting to see what will be the future of this iconic line of kits and parts
John asked if anyone has any particular wants to bring to the show to email or call him. 570-580-7406
All for now.
Looking forward to this meet; will be clearing out a good bit of my inventory/collection of rolling stock (brass & scratchbuilt), kits, "stuff", and probably 15-20 scratchbuild buildings.
I'm looking forward to this one. I've been a number of times, but this will be the first since I actually (finally?) switched to the dark side and took up 2 rail.
I will be bringing a large quantity of late model Atlas two rail flex.
Dear List,
The show is now SOLD OUT of dealer tables.
See you all 04/17/2021.
John P. Dunn Sr. / Rich Yoder
I'll be bringing PRR & NH electric engines.
If your into 2 rail O scale This IS THE PLACE TO BE ! YOU WILL FIND THE HOTTEST NEW MODELS AND SOME GOLDEN OLDIES AS WELL. Along with plenty of information and good conversation with fellow O scalers. Its a group of nice folks who get together and do some trading and selling.
I hope you all can make it April 17 th, Strasburg PA
O scale Carl and I will be there with a few things of our own to swap or sell.
@Franky-Ogee posted:If your into 2 rail O scale This IS THE PLACE TO BE !
Is it worth going for someone interested in 3-rail O scale? I'm not too far and was looking for an excuse to come up to Strasburg, but at the same time, I don't want to get my hopes up that I will find anything worth spending money on here. I do gravitate towards 3-rail-scale over traditional O scale.
Dear PRR7688,
While the Strasburg show is a 2 Rail only show, I find that 15-20 percent of our attendees are 3 rail scale modelers . They come to the meet to purchase such things as Kadee couplers , building and rolling stock kits and parts.
Look forward to meeting you on the 17th!! John
@Prr7688 posted:Is it worth going for someone interested in 3-rail O scale? I'm not too far and was looking for an excuse to come up to Strasburg, but at the same time, I don't want to get my hopes up that I will find anything worth spending money on here. I do gravitate towards 3-rail-scale over traditional O scale.
Just go. It’s $5 to get in and they have trains. I’ve gone many times as a 3RS person and if nothing else there’s lots of interesting things to look at from less than $1 up to a mortgage payment. I have come home with stuff from time to time.
Dear List,
I just received a phone call from Bob Lavezzi stating he has a Strasburg show special blowing out all Intermountain , Red Caboose , Weaver freight cars kits for $10.00 each !!!! Incredible !!! That is cheaper than HO Athearn kits !!!
Call Bob at 908-337-7532 for your wants.
Hey gang,
$25.00 each SALE
Just to let you know, we are going to have a freight car sale this coming Saturday, April 17 at the Strasburg show. This will be a first come, first serve, cash and carry, no returns, AS IS, get them sold sale!
Sale features approximately 50 Atlas O, Atlas Trainman, Intermountain railroad Co. built ups and some Pecos River plastic cars. 95% of these are 2 rail from the factory cars, a few 3 rail cars mixed in. Of course, these are easy to convert either way. Most of these cars have been on a layout so have some dust and dirt on the wheels, but are in the original boxes. A few are NEW OLD STOCK !!! I have most of these cars on my inventory list at $40 each, plus shipping. Check my list ( ) Not all are listed, hope to get last few on tonight. BTW, free delivery had to show!
Please take a look at the list and if there are other things you see that you're interested in, let me know and I'll be sure to bring them ( cannot bring everything on the list )
I have quite a bit of nice framed railroad artwork on the list which is very hard and very expensive to ship, so if there's something there are of interest to you ... this is a perfect opportunity pick up a nice piece of RR art.
Thanks, Bruce in Mount Airy, Maryland
This Strasburg show is the B E S T show for 0 scale, period! Be there or be square!!
Strasburg Train Show weather update- beautiful upper fifties in beautiful Lancaster County Pa.
Hope to see you there!!!
John and Rich
I couldn't find an email in your profile. I am interested in your 4 San Juan Co Milwaukee Road Tank Cars at the Strasburg show.
Hi Bob(RRDOC),
Bruce Blackwood phone number is 301-704-3666 , his email is
See you Saturday !! Thank you. John
Thanks, John
I'll email Bruce.
Excellent show. Sales were brisk and busy. Good attendance, too!
Each of these shows seem to have a personality all there own. A few shows back it was a turntable show. Three or four real nice TTs available for pocket money. The last show was a track show, must have been thousands of feet of track that were carried out the door. This show was a car show. Stack and stacks of boxes of every description and vintage on many of the tables. Many hundreds from which to choose.
It was also a very mask complaint gathering. Thanks for the health safety.
You really have to come to every show to get a full perspective of what is available in 0 scale today.
@Tom Tee posted:This show was a car show. Stack and stacks of boxes of every description and vintage on many of the tables. Many hundreds from which to choose.
And, lots of car kits at extremely good prices, too!
It was also a very mask complaint gathering. Thanks for the health safety.
You really have to come to every show to get a full perspective of what is available in 0 scale today.
It was a very good cross-sectional representation of what is available. I even managed to pick up a couple of brass tank ends that I was hoping to find but not expecting to find yesterday. Had I not been anchored to my tables my cursory wander about might have resulted in my bringing home as much as I brought to sell! Some very nice traction items that I was very unprepared to see yesterday as well.
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:
Very nice... although don't you think those trucks will be too big? 😁
PS: does anyone else have any pictures?
Mark in Oregon
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:
Curious how much the caboose was if you are willing to share
It was below market value. I took it home and of course, I already have it in my collection so off to market it goes!
Hate to miss these, and mwb sounded like he had good stuff... worse timing with the pandemic still raging, and every thing else shut common sense prevailed ..for a change
Being a 3 rail, non-scaler, this was my big purchase!
I still enjoyed a quick trip around the tables to see all the "bizarre" (to me) 2RS stuff! Some rolling stock was bigger than one of my dogs!
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:It was below market value. I took it home and of course, I already have it in my collection so off to market it goes!
It was indeed but I did not want to take it home and I want a better ND,
Now if you'd only bought the 3rd Rail E6 steamer I was trying to sell!
Was the ND from "The Carworks"? It looks well detailed.
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:It was below market value. I took it home and of course, I already have it in my collection so off to market it goes!
Yes, saw the seller was asking for $125, was curious if he went lower.
As Martin said, the show was very well attended. We've been saying pent up demand. Patrons were spending. In some cases profusely. Of course good prices helping amplify sales.
I had a great day. Sold a boatload of items. Got to see friends I haven't in quite some time. Which is always good. As Tom stated it was a very health aware environment.
My thanks to Rich and John.
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