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I have always been a fan of trains running on the street/pavement. I was listening to an old, Jean Shepherd radio show where he talks about driving a truck around the Steel Mill and had a run-in with a switcher that ran along the street (train story starts at ~33min). Jean grew up in outside Chicago and also talked about the South Shore Railroad frequently.

Jean Shepherd Story:

That got me thinking, how many of my forum friends have street running scenes on their layout?

I have a small 1ft x 4ft section on my layout for street running. It is made from cork sheets then painted grey with some India ink wash.

Street running, cork. unpainted

Street Running

Street running, K-4S

Let's see your photos/videos of trains running on street! It can be of model trains or real trains!



Images (3)
  • Street running, cork. unpainted
  • Street Running
  • Street running, K-4S
Last edited by Oscale_Trains_Lover_
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@Lehigh74 that looks fantastic! Is that mustang a custom? I don't recall any company making one that was "ez-streets" compatible

Lee Willis gave me around a dozen custom Streets vehicles that he made as well as some chassis when he got out of Streets.  The Mustang is one of Lee’s creations.  The mail van is the body from a pullback toy that I put on one of the chassis that Lee gave me.

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