Can't believe I forgot to mention route switching of passenger trains! I model a mix of 1949 and 1950 B&O operations through Cumberland in order to maximize the route switching there. For example, the Metropolitan Special carries a full diner east of Cumberland, but a Cafe-Club car west. The diner arrives in front of the rear sleeper, but to ease switching, the Cafe-Club is tacked on the rear. Later that diner will be added to the Chicago Express to serve dinner. The Met, which continues on to St. Louis, also sets out a storage mail car destined for Pittsburgh, which will be picked up later by the Washingtonian. Number 32, a mail and express train is completely rearranged in Cumberland. Originating in Chicago, it picked up cars from Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh, which were simply tacked on the end. To facilitate later set outs in Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, the train is reblocked by destination. This type of switching would be tedious to do with every train, but I find it fun once in the schedule.
I don't have enough yard tracks to dedicate them to specific uses. Right now, a switcher has that Cafe-Club car on what is normally an engine track, because that's the only place it can get to the rear of the Met. The storage mail car sits what I intended as an arrival/departure track. There's no other place to put it that wouldn't complicate the switching excessively.
Using your tracks flexibly will dramatically increase your operating possibilities.