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I've noticed in a couple of recent Stout's auctions, items that were described  as Sunset/3rd Rail BRASS F units. These were always new in sealed boxes, NO pics. I'm not aware of Sunset ever producing ANY O scale covered wagons in anything other than ABS. Are Stout's descriptions in error?


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I agree, i'm not aware of any done, especially since the company changed to Sunset/3rd Rail.    It was only "Sunset" for years.     I am not aware of all done over their existence so I can't say for sure.

However, aother clue might if they are "factory painted"    During most of the years, sunset Brass was imported unpainted.     

Sunset did so some diesels including some brass GP7s or 9s maybe.   

Sunset 3rd Rail has done F3, F7, and FP7 units.   They also have done E7s (2nd run due), and E8s.     I think maybe also the FTs.    All of these were ABS bodies with metal added details.    They have single motor drives with gear boxes on the axles.     I have a few of these and the detail and operation is very very nice in my opinion.    

Sunset has also done Alco PAs in 2 runs and SD7s and SD9s.    Currently they are about to start building GP9s and GP7s.    The reservations for these may still be open.

All of these have DCC and sound using QSI.    The drives orgininally were great and have been improved with Ball bearings in various places.      

Sometimes there is confusion in branding between brass Sunset Models imported by Scott Mann's dad Mort - and the rebranded Sunset 3rd Rail product line imported by Scott Mann.  To the best of my knowledge Sunset Models didn't do 3 rail versions, while Sunset 3rd Rail brought in 2 and 3 rail versions of the same prototype. I don't believe Sunset Models (vice Sunset 3rd Rail) imported brass EMD F or E unit  diesels.  However in the 1980's time frame Sunset Models imported several unpainted O scale 2 rail diesels including  Alco PA1/PB1's, and FM Trainmasters.  I have a Sunset PRR PA1/PB1 set repowered with a custom drive.  (the original was noisy).  I machined  ball bearing toothed belt center towers that are driven by Pittman gearhead motors.  They run beautifully.Sunset PRR PA1-PB1 dieselsSunset PRR PA1-PB1 diesels boixes  


Images (2)
  • Sunset PRR PA1-PB1 diesels
  • Sunset PRR PA1-PB1 diesels boixes

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