Well, my second brass steam purchase arrived on Friday, Sunset GS4 #4450. It ran very well right out of the box and negotiated 54" curves and Atlas 7.5 turnouts nicely with the tender on the middle drawbar hole(Sunset's paperwork says 55" min). I'm also very impressed with the "Quiet Drive", it is indeed very smooth and quiet. I didn't hook up a meter to see exactly how much voltage it took to move, but it didn't seem like much. I just wish I had my mainline operation to really stretch her legs!(My layout is probably less than 15% completed)
The paint looks very good and matches the GGD Daylight train pretty well, although I think the Daylight logo could be a tad better. I'm by far an expert on the real GS4's but at a first brief look over I think Scott and the Sunset team produced and excellent model! There were only two problems; the fireman's side ladder on the cab was bent a little bit, but I was able to massage it back into place and the "Mars" light is pretty cheezy for a 2R model. It's a totally different color than the sealed beam being a bright white and would look "OK" if it matched.
I took a few snap shots with my phone's camera, so please excuse the quality.