I work for Sunset Models and Golden Gate Depot. We always do the best we can to get the colors correct on our projects. Can we count on you to make sure we have the correct colors going forward? This is not written with any sarcasm, just a desire to have absolute fidelity. Let us know if we can count on you to assist.
Let me also say that one of our passenger sets done a while ago had one of the colors quite incorrect, and this was after a very reliable resource said to do that shade of xxxxxx.
You don't need me.
There are lots of better resources. In this case, see the Northern Pacific Railroad Historical Association. Regardless, no question it's an extraordinarily difficult job trying to coordinate production with a company located thousands of miles away, in the case in the Far East, not to mention with a country having a completely different language and culture.
It might be noted that certain other manufacturers have some occasional color issues, and folks have no problem pointing it out, agreeing on it, and being critical of them (hopefully in a positive way) for producing the item in that way. It is a testament to the hallowed ground Sunset and Golden Gate occupy that folks seem to object strenuously to any suggestion that a color might be off on one of their products. Nonetheless, as you point out, occasionally it happens. That's completely understandable.
Everyone appreciates the job Sunset and Golden Gate do. Your products greatly enrich the hobby. (Incidentally, I presently have an engine on order with you folks, and look forward to having it!) I think everyone sincerely hopes Sunset and GGD "live long and prosper."
Varied resources for modelers of the Northern Pacific.
NPRHA Color Cards | Link | The NPRHA is proud to offer a set of color drift control cards for common Northern Pacific colors. Color drift control cards were issued by the railway to ensure that color standards were consistently applied to equipment and structures. This boxed set of eighteen cards represents some of the most common colors used by the Northern Pacific Railway. |