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scale rail posted:

I for one am going to work on my Woolworth Building. Kit bashing it from other parts and planning a full first floor interior including soda fountain. DonDSC_6483DSC_6491 3

Don, how about scuba diving in Hawaii and kitbashing while watching the Super Bowl? I would love to see a video of that.

Is there a football field in Hawaii? The Super Bowl should be there some day.


scale rail posted:

Arnold, High School football on Maui is huge. Their school is on a hillside over looking the water. You can watch a game and the whales. Someone donated a ton of money two years ago and they now have lights for night football. How does this look for a stadium? DonaDSC_2260aDSC_3350

My first thought when I saw the above photos was Field of Dreams football. Arnold

Not being a huge football fan, it would be trains.  I used to make an effort to just watch the SB each year , but I stopped after 2016 (not being a big fan anyway, this was not a huge thing to give up).

That Hawaii stadium, while extremely  impressive for a HS field, looks like it would be just a bit cramped for hosting the SB.

It looks like it might rival the small stadium they had built in the "bowl" between 2 hills (held about 4,000) at the university I attended when I first started my college career quite a few years back(more years than I'd like to admit ).  They have since entered the realm of Division 1 and along that path constructed something between (looks like somewhere between 25,000 and 29,000 depending on some reconfiguration they did over the years) that and a true pro level stadium when they hosted another large athletic event along the way.



Last edited by Dave45681

I was born and raised in KC, so the Chiefs are MY team, but I'm sitting out. I've not been an NFL fan for a long time. In fact, I haven't watched the Chiefs all-season long since the Montanna/DeBurg years. However, I do keep tabs on the Chiefs as the season progresses via the internet.  This year's Championship game is the first full game I've watched since the Montanna/DeBurg years.

I was very proud of the way the Chief's adjusted in the second half and made a fantastic game out of it, but in the end, the experience of the Pat's won out.

I'm not protesting or anything like that, just don't have enough interest in the game to give it 5 hours of my life, I'd rather do other things.


scale rail posted:

I for one am going to work on my Woolworth Building. Kit bashing it from other parts and planning a full first floor interior including soda fountain. DonDSC_6483DSC_6491 3

Ahhh, you're a nostalgic kind of guy!

As always, I look forward to see the results. You have a real eye for the hobby.

I need to make some type of area for a city type setting on my RR. I think it ties our interest of toy trains, with our memories. That makes a powerful combination.

Kind of what like the classic hits of music does?

Last edited by Engineer-Joe
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