It can be frustrating to us forumites who've seen this question about acceptable radii come up very, very, very frequently. To us the answer is quite simple, and the best suggestions can be seen up above in this thread, and then repeated endlessly, and yet someone will still ask the question "Will this locomotive successfully make it around O-xx (fill in the blank) curves?".
Most of us are amateurs and still rabid model train hobbyists in spite of it -- and kids being kids many started pushing their toys to the limit, and beyond, long ago at an early age.
One observation coming from this is that we're constantly trying to break the laws of physics.
Coming from a professional engineer, for whom playing with my electric trains literally launched my career ambitions, know that it doesn't stop here. Once you're addicted, no matter how much scientific and technical education and training you may get early on, over the following years the urge to push beyond reality still festers within you.
The engine won't successfully negotiate curves tighter than it can handle because physics won't allow it.
Should we keep pushing on in spite of this? Yes. Keep asking the question? Most Definitely.
You never know. There are many, many innovators in love with this hobby. Someday our collective efforts may result in an outcome that will thoroughly and totally surprise you.
Ya learn something new everyday.