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I earlier posted pictures of my first scratch buildt switch tower.  Well I liked it and recently finished my 2nd switch tower. This one is much closer to scale and i was very serious in this build. Compared to the first one i thought was nice and is. This one i have taken to a whole new level. The problem is I have over 1000 parts in it and over 100 hrs.  Only the man and the barrels were already made.  Everything!! else is hand made from wood, brass, copper and aluminium and images of bricks and signs are from the internet and resized accordingly in MS paint also resizing in the printer.  Thete are 5 LEDs from evans designs out of lacrosse Colorado and they are amazing and really enuance any structure or vehicle.  Here are some pictures ofrom the 2nd switch tower which is my own ideas taken from many images online and i came up with for the most part my own version. I learned a lot building this one on what works and what doesn't.   I am hoping someone can direct me to free structure plans I can print out in oscale and draw out the template so I will save alot of time on my next project I'm about to start on. I need to reduce the time and parts and still come up with a 1st class building.  If anyone can reply with a link for free structure/ switch tower plans I would sure appreciate it.  Thank you



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Last edited by Lowes2win
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prrhorseshoecurve posted:

Wow! I love that interior! how did you make those leavers?

Thand you i used stuff I got at ace hardware and Hobby lobby. Ace KS metal shapes for the brass and aluminum  and Hobby lobby for the long pins and gold heart shaped beads and made my own switch throws.  The next one i will down. Size them a little. These look great but are actually ki20170123_17421420170119_030949_00120170110_10502220170123_14151820170118_17450020170119_074911nd of big but they worked much better than the carved wood. 


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The hollow brass tubing is not pictured I ran out of it. I used the hollow aluminum size smaller tubing and put inside for the handle extension.  Thenot used a Dremel tool to cut the parts and a real small brass piece I used to go over the smaller aluminum piece to make it look like a machined part.   I used CA glue to hold all the pieces together and a little paint. I used the ca glue to make the black tear dropped shaped handle on the pull back lock lever by holding it upside-down and putting ca glue on the long pin after I snipped It down. Then i used the CA  acceleratereal  (kicker) to flash dry the tear drop of glue.  The turned it right side up and painted it black

Thank you. I am really roofing the roof with a complete tear-off.  The original roof has 3 different grades of sandpaper and one section I cut upside-down and had to try and hide it and i cant do all that work and have a half *** roof.  Its made with black med grade drywall sandpaper from HD. My 7 yr old grandson gave me the idea to make shingles out of sandpaper.  I'm sure many others already figured that out but I didnt.   Should have the new roof on by tomorrow night20170123_22211320170123_22213820170123_22524820170123_22210320170123_235722


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