Hello fellow switcher fans!! Welcome to Switcher Saturday!! I hope everyone is having a terrific holiday season and are looking forward to the new year! Perhaps Santa brought you some new switchers???
Switcher Saturday is the weekly thread that celebrates the true unsung heroes of railroading ... switch engines. Switch engines are the backbone of railroading. Switchers place ( or spot ) a car in position to be loaded or unloaded at an industry. The switch engine then pulls that car from position after the car is unloaded or loaded.
Switcher Saturday welcomes photos and information of switchers of all gauges from Z - G and also 1:1 gauge too.
Make sure that the photos you post are your personal photos. If you post photos which were taken by another photographer/owner , make sure you have express personal permission from that photographer to use their photograph. For additional information regarding posting copywriten photos please read the OGR Forum TOS.
I'm really excited to see what you all post this weekend! Last week's Christmas holiday themed SWSAT had a ton of wonderful photos, videos and information. I'll circle back throughout the day to see what's happening on SWSAT.
I wish everyone a new year of great happiness, peace, and abundant good health!!
This week on the Free State Junction Railway an A5 switcher is on assignment doing work in Patsburg Yard. Pennsy 94 has been earning its' keep for many decades in all kinds of weather. 94 is a K line model which I bought new at the Great Scale Model Train Show in Timonium, Maryland back in February 2019. Her glistening shine was a bit much for me, as I think a steam switcher needs to have a gritty appearance. So I gave her a heavy weathering job!
Engineer Spence Lucas has just climbed down from the cab and relief engineer Spike Critcher is now at the throttle. Spence loves to run O'l 94 and is a bit sad that his shift is over. That's O'l Spence over by 94 waving to Spike as he eases the A5 forward.
Now that 94 has moved a 100 ton Virginian hopper into place, a truck is parked and a crew is ready to unload the B&O Time Saver Boxcar.
Having completed several switching moves, 94 is now off to the water tank to take on some water. Hank Grimes and Walt Becker shoot the breeze in the foreground.
Meanwhile on the mainline a B&O GP9 exits East Tunnel with a time freight. Washington Terminal RS1 is stopped for a red signal on the adjacent track.
Brakemen Earl Suggs and Rip Tidewater prepare to give the Time Freight a roll by inspection.