Happy SWSat!
Ready for another week of switcher fun?
First a huge thank you to Mel @MELGAR , and Patrick @trumpettrain , for handling the yards for the past month or so. I will be your Yardmaster again for the next few weeks but I'm willing to share if anyone else wants to start a week. I believe John @jhz563 should be released from OGR jail any day now. Hopefully he comes back and joins in on the fun again.
Halloween is over and all the ghosts goblins
and witches
are packed away for another year.
This can only mean one thing......IT'S CHRISTMAS TRAIN SEASON!!!!!!
So to get us into the spirit of the season, I've got my new Lionel Fezziwig Railway cars on the tracks. Since this is SWSat, Strasburg's Plymouth (K-line) is on the lead for now. A Holiday special 2-4-2 is en-route to the RSJ&B and should arrive next week.
A short story of my connection to Old Fezziwig (besides Dickens). My buddies and I used to hang out in a bar called, you guessed it, Fezziwig's. One of my buddies was dating a nice girl who had a friend that she thought would like me. Needless to say she was right and I married her back in 1989. So now as CEO of the RSJ&B she needs proper rolling stock to enjoy. So these new Lionel cars will always have a special meaning for your yardmaster. (I haven't shown them to her yet).
So let's see your Christmas switchers.........if not this week then anytime over the next few weeks.
For the uninitiated- SWSat is a fun place to jump into the engineers or fireman's seat on a GEEP, ALCO, End-cab, 0-4-0 steamer or saddle tanker, Plymouth, or even a Track-mobile. The thread is open to all gauges, shapes, and sizes, foreign or domestic, old or new, steam, diesel, or electric, so feel free to share what you like.
Just make sure you own the pictures you are posting, or get permission to post from the owner.