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Have a switch which has begun not holding in the straight position even more. It works fine in the diverging route (because the bent rail is holding it in place) but will not stay overcenter in the straight position where we are holding the rail farther in and the wheels pick the switch. 

Do we need to move the switch motor and change the alighnment of the "diaper pin" spring?

Do we need a stronger overcenter coil spring?


It is mounted under the table with electrical plus 2x4 and 1x4 obstructions preventing good access. Seems the track work guy and the bench work guy didn't talk during the design/build phase...

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The spring is there and everything works fine until it is attached to the switch from underneath. Then the force of the rail being bent to allow straight travel past it forces the machine back from the end of travel. Do the Tortise machines operate differently than this? (Due to electrical routing thru the switch machine to the rails using a ground throw isn't an option.)

It seems like that straight rail is too stiff.    Did it ever work?  


1.  You could put a hinge in the rail to relieve the force against the switch machine throw bar.


2.   It is possible to use a ground throw.  I get little SPDT spring switches from radio shack.  They are a little box about 1/2 x 3/8 inch by 1/8 inch thick with a spring arm on one long side.   I mount these so the spring arm is against the back side of the ground throw arm.  As the ground throw arm moves, it moves the SPDT switch.  


Also caboose industries makes a ground throw with contacts.   I have not used them, they look pretty light weight to me.  

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