have a standard gauge 9e that I ran I Christmas under the tree and then packed away. What do I need to know about putting it on the rails again without damaging the electronics. It's an early one with dcru and sound. Any guidance is appreciated before I attempt and destroy it. Guess I'm a bit gunshy after all the stuff I've read. Thanks Joe e
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Change the battery or buy a BCR. The latter is a capacitor you can find on the forum. A rechargeable battery will last about 5 years. Your engine is Protosounds. Conventional in the sense track power controls the speed of the engine. Nothing is destroyed. There is a lot of doom and gloom here.
Thanks Jim I questioned the battery from the start. I put. 9v in to test it and sure enough motion and sound right from the start. Appreciate the help. I had a guy tell me it would need to be fixed with a chip. I couldn't understand how the chip would go bad sitting in the box then was told it would need to be programmed again even though it works. Lots of misinformation out there. Maybe just mth haters I guess. Again thanks joe
See that the BCR found you.
Thanks for the link Gunrunner John.