On April 23, 2022 the Keystone Division of the NMRA will once again hold its Model Railroad Jamboree. This event represents one (if not the) best value in model railroading. For $55 ($45 if you are an NMRA member), you get:
- A day of historical and how-to clinics (12 total)
- Continental breakfast and lunch included
- Contests
- White Elephant Sale
- Raffles (scale specific)
- Displays
- Layout tours (including a number of 3-rail layouts - Neal Schorr's fabulous PRR Middle Division)
For an additional $35 there is a banquet at the end of the day which features Ryan Kunkel of Lionel as speaker.
I've been attending this event every year since 2006. It's a wonderful source of inspiration, information, new ideas, and a chance to meet modelers with similar interests. There will be a number of 3-railers in attendance.
Here's the Jamboree page where you can register on-line: https://www.keystonedivision.o...e_2022/jamboree.html
Join us.