Time for a major update on where things are. This post is lengthy... so if you're a reader, then read on... if a browser... you've found the wrong post!
Okay... let's git to it...
First off: Oddball Decals is dead.
(Oddball's was the only S scale decals source I've used. No one else had the roads/etc I intend to model.)
As mentioned previously in this thread, this really knocked the stuffin's out of me. However, the demise of Oddballs is something I'll simply have to accept and make adjustments concerning. Can't cry n' whine forever over spilled milk, right?
So, it is time to regroup and rethink my concept a bit. Originally, I envisioned my KC Lines layout as:
1. A small, but interesting, layout that offered plenty of urban industrial feel.
2. A small layout that has the ability to offer some pretty decent switching opportunities.
3. Offer the opportunity for a transfer train to come onto the layout (from a hidden portion), set out/pick up at the 12th Street Yard, and then move along, to reenter the hidden stage area again on the other side of the room.
4. The entire layout would be served by a couple of switchers from a larger rail system "stationed" at 12th Street Yard. To accommodate this idea, 12th Street Yard has provisions for a very small service area such as the above would require.
5. The layout was also envisioned to be a stage on which any/all of my favorite Kansas City area railroads from my childhood/youth could be seen in action, such as on a transfer train, as well as being used as the "stationed" switch engines. In other words, for a couple of weeks (or months?) 12th Street Yard and the surrounding industrial area would be Frisco territory, and other KC roads would come in on the transfer train(s). Maybe after the Frisco it could be the Mop, next it could be the Katy, or CB&Q... get the idea?
The above was the concept in a nutshell. Once originally conceived, the theme was more fully developed, motive power ideas were developed, a layout designed, some track laid, engines/rolling stock bought, some Oddball Decals bought... hey this looked like it was going to work!
Then I spun the Wheel Of Fortune and sent off a HUGE (to me) order for all the decals I would need... BUT... when the big wheel stopped it landed on "Bankrupt": Oddballs ceased to exist.
SOooo... that brings me up to the point I'm at now.
So what's next?
Well, I'm regrouping and tweaking my goals. S scale is such a wonderful size, and in view that there is still a LOT of excellent stuff available, both new as well as on the secondary market, the scale is just too good not to enjoy it in some form or another.
How to regroup, then? How to tweak the idea and still accomplish SOME of the original goals?
Well, first off, I think points 1 through 4 are still very "do-able". However, due to the loss of Oddballs and my sizable order with them, I feel point number 5 has taken a pretty hefty hit. THIS is where I'll need to do the tweaking. Alas, point 5 WAS a significant "druther" for my layout concept... but... it's gotten a lot more complicated with the loss of Oddballs, hence the regrouping.
Originally I envisioned 4-axle 1st Generation power to be used on the transfer trains, and had already purchased a few pieces toward that end. I could mentally "see": Frisco GP7's, Frisco RS2's (would have been a kitbash), maybe some Frisco F's and FA's. Also could see Mop switchers, perhaps Mop RS3's, GP7's, S-12's, SW's, etc. Ditto the Katy, the CB&Q and maybe even some KCS, etc. OH... and the Kansas City Terminal. DEFINITELY wanted KCT power to be well represented. Also intended to have lots of rolling stock lettered for all the Class 1's that were in KC during the early-mid 60's. See what I mean?
No, the above isn't too practical now that decals are not readily available for the above.
So, what I may need to do is to downsize the projected overall scope of the roster and have decals for select KC roads custom made. My "really, really, want" keepers, so to speak, would be the Frisco, the KCT, the Mop, and perhaps the Katy. I could do these roads using switchers (for the stationed switch jobs) and single GP/RS units (or a switcher) for transfer trains.
The rolling stock will just have to be what RTR I can find that can be plausibly used... OR what can be found in the way of decals and dry transfers that would be appropriate for the KC area. Fortunately, I have a stash of CDS dry transfers and Enhorning decals, many of which are relatively "good to go" for the KC area.
The layout itself really has no major obstacles to overcome other than laziness on my part! I would like more "user friendly" switches, but that's about all I would actually change. My "photoflat" idea was paying off in spades... very happy with the way that was turning out. I already have a DCC system, but could eventually (hopefully) use another handheld for if/when the time comes that there's enough operation possible to support two operators.
So, there you have it. My S scale effort isn't completely dead after all... just needed a moratorium on it for a spell to give me some time to mull things over. Now that I have, I still see potential... just gonna' have to readjust and take a bit different approach. Namely, I can't have it all... I will need to specialize in the elements that are really important to me, and be satisfied with that approach.
Later gators!