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Rusty posted a comparison pic a while back of three S scale F unit models.

IMHO, in the "head on" shot, the AM FP7's nose/windows were the closest (in respect to looking "right") of the three models depicted. Granted, the detail level was nowhere near the other models... BUT... it's amazing what some brass wire and detail parts can do! I fully intend to have an AM FP7 on my shelves for eventual conversion into a Frisco FP7.

Rusty posted a comparison pic a while back of three S scale F unit models.

IMHO, in the "head on" shot, the AM FP7's nose/windows were the closest (in respect to looking "right") of the three models depicted. Granted, the detail level was nowhere near the other models... BUT... it's amazing what some brass wire and detail parts can do! I fully intend to have an AM FP7 on my shelves for eventual conversion into a Frisco FP7.

I didn't see that photo, but I have seen the AM FP7 on several occasions and it is a nice model that can be detailed to make an outstanding locomotive.

In fact, I would consider the AM FP7 to be a landmark locomotive for S scale, comparable to the Atlas RS-3 in HO and N scale.

Jeff C
Hoo-boy, I had to hop in the Way-Back Machine to 2001 for those. It was actually the AM FP7, E8 and SHS F3 in the Yahoo S Scale photo section languishing for quite a while. (Shot with a camera that used a real, live floppy disc!)

Here they are:

I would also agree that the AM FP7 was a landmark locomotve. AM in general dragged S kicking and screaming out of the cloud of obscurity and helped to shake off the American Flyer only identification of the scale for the model railroading populace.

Till then, S Scalers in general were very proud of the fact that S was considered "the scratchbuilder's scale."

I never agreed with that "selling point." There were scratchbuilders in other scales doing quite well.

In fact, I would consider the AM FP7 to be a landmark locomotive for S scale, comparable to the Atlas RS-3 in HO and N scale.

I agree! It was the genesis of the current "state of the art" S scale plastic locomotive.

As for that photo: I saved a copy of it, as well as the side view. Hopefully Rusty won't mind if I repost them here:

EDIT: 10/03/13  Seeing as the photos illustrating the F/E unit nose differences were lost, I have re-inserted them in this post for illustrative purposes.



As you can see, the nose and windows are very nicely proportioned on the AM unit. Better than the SHS unit, IMHO. All the little inexpensive AM unit needs would be some wire grabs, windshield wipers, and a few other minor details and you will have an EXCELLENT F unit.

EDIT #2:

Rusty, I see quite a bit of CB&Q in your pics. I take it that's one of your favorite roads? Owing to it's KC location and some of my memories thereof, it has become a significant road to me, too.


Last edited by laming
Originally posted by laming:
Rusty, I see quite a bit of CB&Q in your pics. I take it that's one of your favorite roads? Owing to it's KC location and some of my memories thereof, it has become a significant road to me, too.


Hey, Andre.

Yep, the Q is one of my favorites. When I was 10, my family moved to the Chicago western suburbs (Deep in the Land of the Burlingtons, Berwyn, to be exact) and we lived a block and a half away from the Burlington.

We were also a half block away from the IC's Davenport line but train frequency was nowhere near what the Burlington's was.

Plus, I could catch occasional glimses of 4960 and 5632 on the Q.

But, I would say my first love will always be the Santa Fe. Partially because of my Lionel roots, but also for a trip we took with my dad to an American Legion convention in Calfornia when I was about 5. The train was an extra, just for the legionairs.

Never saw that photo before but it is very interesting. You're right guys, the windshield height and shape of the AM loco does look more "right" than the SHS.

I like the thickness of the headlight openings better on the AM's and the contour of the nose just below the windshields as well. Since the SHS is white and the AM is maroon and orange it's hard to see some of the subtle differences between the two but the AM nose definitely looks more like the prototype.

E and F noses have been a problem for builders and importers for decades and remain so even today. The 1st "F" noses to get really good kudos by modelers was the HO Lubliner(sp) nose which Athearn bought and incorporated into their Genesis F line.

The 1st good "F" noses in "O" scale were offered by P&D which Atlas bought and now offers on all their Atlas "O" F units. The Lionel "scale" F-3 locos offered in the early 2000's had a really good nose as well.

But, none of them have anything on the AM nose or even the SHS nose for that matter.

Growing up in the 50's made me a covered wagon junkie and I've always had a soft spot for "F" units.

Thanks for pointing this out Andre and pulling the photos from the archives Rusty.

Originally posted by up148:

E and F noses have been a problem for builders and importers for decades and remain so even today. The 1st "F" noses to get really good kudos by modelers was the HO Lubliner(sp) nose which Athearn bought and incorporated into their Genesis F line.


Simply for the record, the company was called Highliners. The B unit body kit was available forever, while the HOers waited, waited and waited for the A. Almost a vision of the way things are now... Frown

The one thing I can't recall was if the A unit shell kit came out before or after Athearn's acquisition. I think it was actually after.

I remember one conversation I was having with a well respected modeler. He was going on and on about not liking F units. I finally asked him the musical question "Why not?"

The sound of crickets followed... Smile


I too, have a "thing" for F units, especially the windows/nose. I think most F unit junkies do. Razz

When I saw the AM F compared to the others, I saw a lot of potential and am looking forward to getting my first AM F.

As for the SHS F: I have an undec F3 AB set, and I will eventually need to decide if I will either live with it, or modify it. Seeing as even back in the early-mid 70's I used to modify the old HO Athearn F's windows... I'll bet I figure out something to make it a bit more "pleasing" to my eyes. I have a couple things in mind, I'll just wait to see once I'm ready to tackle the set.


Thought so on the Q! Seeing as you're a "Q-ball"... perhaps you can help me with a date on a couple of CB&Q events:

* The date on when the Chinese Red hood unit scheme began to appear.

* The appearance date on when the block lettered "BURLINGTON" boxcars begin to appear. I have seen both Chinese Red and lots of Boxcar Red versions of that scheme. Would like to eventually represent it on my early-mid sixties KC Lines layout.

Of course an educated guess on the above would be more than adequate.

I have some good memories of the CB&Q's switch engines in/around the North KC industrial area. In particular, their switching of the Fleming Foods warehouse. My dad owned a supermarket that was affiliated with Fleming Foods, and every now and then I would go with him to the warehouse to pick up items we were running out of (before the next truck load delivery at our store). I would often get to see the CB&Q switching the area, including Fleming Foods.

Yup, the Q is a neat road to me, too!

BTW, this has been a really fun thread. Thanks to all that are participating!

Originally posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally posted by up148:

E and F noses have been a problem for builders and importers for decades and remain so even today. The 1st "F" noses to get really good kudos by modelers was the HO Lubliner(sp) nose which Athearn bought and incorporated into their Genesis F line.


Simply for the record, the company was called Highliners. The B unit body kit was available forever, while the HOers waited, waited and waited for the A. Almost a vision of the way things are now... Frown

The one thing I can't recall was if the A unit shell kit came out before or after Athearn's acquisition. I think it was actually after.

I remember one conversation I was having with a well respected modeler. He was going on and on about not liking F units. I finally asked him the musical question "Why not?"

The sound of crickets followed... Smile


IIRC the Highliner kits came out just before Athearn bought the dies. They continued to sell kits for a while after the transfer. I think about the time Athearn did offer their Highliner units as a RTR the kits were nolonger offered.

Rusty you're right......they were the Highliner kits. I think Paul Lubliner or something similar to that last name was the fellow who created the Highliners. Heck I get lots of stuff twisted around these days and it drives my wife nuts. Paul was the 1st guy to really get the F unit dimensions and contours correct or close to correct.

I wasn't in HO at the time so I only watched from the outside hoping someday, someone would do the same for O scale. Low and behold Pat @ P&D hobbies did it a few years later.

You know Andre, different paint scheme can make a difference on the appearance of the nose contours on F units. I've noticed that before looking through my EMD F Unit book.

After my last post I looked closely at my SHS F3 UP noses painted in Armour Yellow with anti-glare green on top and they look awful good....even knowing the windshield opening is too tall it look better to me in Armour Yellow. SHS did a remarkable job on these locos and captured the F unit appearance well.


Right you are about paint schemes in regards to changing the look of a unit. IF I went Frisco, the black would play down the openings, me thinks. IF I went KC&G, the blue may not. However, as you point out, they are darn good looking units, regardless.


Yes, the ride height is nice on the E unit, and the pilot apron sits nicely. I typically lower units that sit too high. On the old HO Stewart F's, there were tits molded into the truck "bowl" area that I would shave off. It would lower them a few scale inches, enough so they didn't ride so high. As for the AM unit, I figure there would be ways to lower it if I find the ride height objectionable. In the past I have also milled the bolsters of frames that sat too high. I ain't above doing it again! Shucks, it's only time... and we got a lot of that, don't we? Don't WE????

Originally posted by laming:

Thought so on the Q! Seeing as you're a "Q-ball"... perhaps you can help me with a date on a couple of CB&Q events:

* The date on when the Chinese Red hood unit scheme began to appear.

* The appearance date on when the block lettered "BURLINGTON" boxcars begin to appear. I have seen both Chinese Red and lots of Boxcar Red versions of that scheme. Would like to eventually represent it on my early-mid sixties KC Lines layout.


Andre, I can get your Q info tonight after work. My DSL was constipated last night and it was hard to do anything online.

What I can tell you off the top of my head is the first diesel painted Chinese Red was a an SD9 that was rebuilt after wreck. Pretty sure it was before 1960. The Q historic society just put out a tome on the SD's, covering the SD7's to SD24's.

(It's pretty odd. I belong to the CB&Q Historical Society, but not the Santa Fe. Confused)

If you want to see "Chinese Red" you can come to central IL and see it on the Bloomer Line, a small shortline made up of grain shippers. They office/work
out of Gibson City and most of their equipment is painted in the CB&Q like color.
Highliners went the route of the GSB SD40-2 in the early to mid eighties. I remember we in HO were all excited to have a SD40-2 and then it took them two or three years to be produced and the product itself was wanting in many areas.
Believe it or not, in HO, it was Lifelike who came out with Northeastern cabooses and a BL2 that was "superdetailed" from the factory and forced Atlas, et al, into the production of something beyond Athearn "blue box". And Atlas shook the HO world in '84 with the smooth running Atlas/Kato Rs-3, which would be a good runner today.
As to S, I remember holding a F something from SHS in St. Louis at the National Train Show in '01 and marveling over it...I knew I should have gone S right then and there.
Last edited by John Albee
Agreed: The KCT scheme rocks. Smile

FWIW: After I finish working nights this week, I have decided to paint my SHS NW2 w/Tsuami into KCT #60. It will look like the scheme above on #75. I figure it is much more attainable to attempt getting that done in time for the Frisco Convention (Sept 17th) instead of the Frisco DS4-4-1000 Baldwin. The KCT and the Frisco were so intertwined in KC that it's almost like making a Frisco unit.

Downside: All those gorgeous stripes are a PAIN IN THE PATOOTEY to apply. Did you notice how many angles are going on with the stripes??? The cab ends are one angle, the battery box sides are another... and the white pilot stripes yet another angle!!! Lot's of tedious decal application ahead. BUT... it'll be worth it when finished.

As for the Baldwins: Still more stuff to decide upon, and order for same. Gonna' be a while on the Baldwins.

Originally posted by laming:
Downside: All those gorgeous stripes are a PAIN IN THE PATOOTEY to apply. Did you notice how many angles are going on with the stripes??? The cab ends are one angle, the battery box sides are another... and the white pilot stripes yet another angle!!! Lot's of tedious decal application ahead. BUT... it'll be worth it when finished.


Sounds like it's time for the chorus to sing "Enjoyment with an everlasting challenge..." Big Grin

Yeah, all the stripes will be a PITA, but there's nothing like safety stripes on a black switcher to give you that "Railroad" feeling. And especially since you have both yellow and white stripes!

From what I've seen of your work you'll have no problem with this task.

Looking forward to seeing the results.


Hi Matt!


Thanks for your interest in my little S scale projects. 


Alas, there's no new progress to report on my Baldwin's.  In fact, my modeling has taken a backset due to a few factors:


1. Available time/inclination.


2. Other interests (means I have to choose between the interests in regards to point 1 above!)


3. I railroad for a living and (for me) that does detract from the hobby of model trains.


4. I lost $500 on a good-faith purchase of S scale decals from Oddballs Decals that were never delivered.  This has taken the wind out of my sails, too.


The biggest blow in regards to #4 is that I had ordered pretty much all the decals I would ever need for my KC Lines theme.  Since Oddballs Decals is now out of business... I'm really back to square one as to how to proceed.  Oddballs was the only source for the liveries ordered.  Hate to spend money all over again with another supplier when I'm already out $500!  To complicate this issue further, for the most part all the decals would have to be custom decals. (Oddballs was THE source for such things at the KCT, Frisco, Katy, Missouri Pacific, etc, etc. In otherwords: ALL the KC area railroads!)


So, that sort of catches you up to date.





Hi Frank!


Thanks for your interest in my little KC Lines layout.


Alas, though, there's not any progress to report at all since the above post dated March 4, 2013.


I keep hoping "one of these days" the ol' bug will return... but so far it hasn't.  Like I said above... it was truly a blow that Oddballs has gone belly up and my money went with it.


Now that Oddballs decals are no longer an option, if/when the time comes to pick up the pieces and see where I'm with my KC Lines theme ... I will need to seriously consider downsizing my roster/equipment ideas I had.  Gone are the Mop units and rolling stock I wanted to do, ditto the Katy, etc, etc, etc.  It's a shame I hitched my hobby horse to the Oddballs wagon!!!


BTW: I recall some of the newbies to S scale have left us... something to do with the lack of product/Kadar Kaper situation?  Who's still "in" S and who's bailed?



Hello Andre,


Sorry to read about the Oddballs Decals transaction not delivering. I hope you find another resource that can produce. I wish you the best on your search! 


I have not bailed! I plan to start a S Scale layout this fall. I have bought a few cars but mainly looking at what track and switches to purchase. The main theme will be 21st Century. Hope to have a small Intermodal yard with a grain elevator near by and some warehousing and logistic center. The die cast tractor/trailer selection in 1:64 scale is great. The prices are expensive but I'll shop around for some good deals.  I like all the modern engines like the SD70ACe, ES44AC, AC4400AC, AC6000CW and the SD70MAC's.     


Best Regards,


Wow!  This thread is like my has whiskers!
Andre, for the sake of all that is holy, hang with S scale!  I've never been more convinced that it is perfect in size and heck, now I'm into scratchbuilding and loving it!
Frank, love having you in SScale!
And Matt, you are the most unselfish and most helpful gentleman on this or any other forum!  How are your 44 tonner project(s) coming along?

Wow!  This thread is like my has whiskers!


Hmmm... I may have dated her way back when.


The time or two that I've taken a look at changing to something else... I just can't get away from the perfect size. 


When I reactivate in the model railroading hobby, I'm confident it will be with S scale. 


I really suspect that when that time comes, I will need to re-evaluate the overall scope of what I was going to do in regards to running lots of different KC roads on my layout. I may have to scale back to a couple or so roads, and have custom decals made for same. 


OR, I could just use up the Oddballs decals I currently have, and proceed forward from that point with my Kansas City & Gulf proto-lanced theme using Microscale and other readily available generic decals and letter them as I did with Champ/etc in HO scale.  Downside to my KC&G theme is that I was enjoying replicating some of my favorite prototype paint schemes in S scale.


We shall see!






Originally Posted by John Albee:
And Matt, you are the most unselfish and most helpful gentleman on this or any other forum!  How are your 44 tonner project(s) coming along?

Thanks John.  I've made some progress on the Smoky Mountain Model Works Phase IV 44 tonner...satisfied with a modified HO drive and currently assembling the shell.  My American Models Baldwin S12 repower project is on hold until I receive the updated geared wheelsets from NWSL.  My thread/saga is on the SScaleSIG Forum.  Also working on a sugar cane car per the U.S. Sugar Corporation in Clewiston, Florida kitbashed from an American Models boxcar.  Might make for an interesting micro layout.



Hey Andre,


Sorry to hear about the Odd Ball Decal saga.  That is just not right. If and when you care to proceed with your "S" layout plans (I hope you do) I've got a supplier whose given me great service with custom decals.  Dave at LBR Enterprises. If you can supply artwork (decals in another scale work) Dave can make all you want at a reasonable cost and the quality is great. I had him make up a bunch of decals for the Union Pacific to go on some undecorated SHS steel rebuilt boxcars and I now have different road numbers for each car. Only took a couple of weeks.


Give him a try.





Ditto on the Matt comment John. He is a very talented and patient modeler. Look forward to seeing the 44 tonner. 

Hi Butch:


Yes, the Oddballs situation was a real bummer.


Thanks for the link/info on LBR Enterprises (decals).  Downside to special orders is the numbers required to get the order.  What do I do with all the excess decals?


Like i mentioned above, I guess when the time comes to renew efforts... I will need to do some heavy re-thinking on the scope of the roster/equipment and downsize to what can reasonably be accomplished with my existing locomotive models and a few custom decals. 


Originally I was going to be able to free-flow with available models and decals to accommodate several of the KC area lines that I liked.  Not so now.  I have enough switchers to make a couple/three roads... but very little 4-axle road power for the transfers/local freights.  However, for the most part, the transfers/local freights were going to be eye candy mostly, and not completely necessary for operation.  The same transfers could be accomplished using switcher power.


Ah well... all for now!



Time for a major update on where things are.  This post is lengthy... so if you're a reader, then read on... if a browser... you've found the wrong post!   Okay... let's git to it...

First off: Oddball Decals is dead.


(Oddball's was the only S scale decals source I've used.  No one else had the roads/etc I intend to model.)

As mentioned previously in this thread, this really knocked the stuffin's out of me.  However, the demise of Oddballs is something I'll simply have to accept and make adjustments concerning.  Can't cry n' whine forever over spilled milk, right?

So, it is time to regroup and rethink my concept a bit.  Originally, I envisioned my KC Lines layout as:

1. A small, but interesting, layout that offered plenty of urban industrial feel.

2. A small layout that has the ability to offer some pretty decent switching opportunities.

3. Offer the opportunity for a transfer train to come onto the layout (from a hidden portion), set out/pick up at the 12th Street Yard, and then move along, to reenter the hidden stage area again on the other side of the room.

4. The entire layout would be served by a couple of switchers from a larger rail system "stationed" at 12th Street Yard. To accommodate this idea, 12th Street Yard has provisions for a very small service area such as the above would require.

5. The layout was also envisioned to be a stage on which any/all of my favorite Kansas City area railroads from my childhood/youth could be seen in action, such as on a transfer train, as well as being used as the "stationed" switch engines.  In other words, for a couple of weeks (or months?) 12th Street Yard and the surrounding industrial area would be Frisco territory, and other KC roads would come in on the transfer train(s).  Maybe after the Frisco it could be the Mop, next it could be the Katy, or CB&Q... get the idea?

The above was the concept in a nutshell.  Once originally conceived, the theme was more fully developed, motive power ideas were developed, a layout designed, some track laid, engines/rolling stock bought, some Oddball Decals bought... hey this looked like it was going to work! 

Then I spun the Wheel Of Fortune and sent off a HUGE (to me) order for all the decals I would need... BUT... when the big wheel stopped it landed on "Bankrupt":  Oddballs ceased to exist.

SOooo... that brings me up to the point I'm at now.

So what's next?

Well, I'm regrouping and tweaking my goals.  S scale is such a wonderful size, and in view that there is still a LOT of excellent stuff available, both new as well as on the secondary market, the scale is just too good not to enjoy it in some form or another.

How to regroup, then?  How to tweak the idea and still accomplish SOME of the original goals?

Well, first off, I think points 1 through 4 are still very "do-able".  However, due to the loss of Oddballs and my sizable order with them, I feel point number 5 has taken a pretty hefty hit. THIS is where I'll need to do the tweaking.  Alas, point 5 WAS a significant "druther" for my layout concept... but... it's gotten a lot more complicated with the loss of Oddballs, hence the regrouping.

Originally I envisioned 4-axle 1st Generation power to be used on the transfer trains, and had already purchased a few pieces toward that end.  I could mentally "see": Frisco GP7's, Frisco RS2's (would have been a kitbash), maybe some Frisco F's and FA's.  Also could see Mop switchers, perhaps Mop RS3's, GP7's, S-12's, SW's, etc. Ditto the Katy, the CB&Q and maybe even some KCS, etc.  OH... and the Kansas City Terminal. DEFINITELY wanted KCT power to be well represented. Also intended to have lots of rolling stock lettered for all the Class 1's that were in KC during the early-mid 60's. See what I mean? 

No, the above isn't too practical now that decals are not readily available for the above.

So, what I may need to do is to downsize the projected overall scope of the roster and have decals for select KC roads custom made. My "really, really, want" keepers, so to speak, would be the Frisco, the KCT, the Mop, and perhaps the Katy.  I could do these roads using switchers (for the stationed switch jobs) and single GP/RS units (or a switcher) for transfer trains.

The rolling stock will just have to be what RTR I can find that can be plausibly used... OR what can be found in the way of decals and dry transfers that would be appropriate for the KC area.  Fortunately,  I have a stash of CDS dry transfers and Enhorning decals, many of which are relatively "good to go" for the KC area.

The layout itself really has no major obstacles to overcome other than laziness on my part!  I would like more "user friendly" switches, but that's about all I would actually change.  My "photoflat" idea was paying off in spades... very happy with the way that was turning out.  I already have a DCC system, but could eventually (hopefully) use another handheld for if/when the time comes that there's enough operation possible to support two operators.

So, there you have it.  My S scale effort isn't completely dead after all... just needed a moratorium on it for a spell to give me some time to mull things over.  Now that I have, I still see potential... just gonna' have to readjust and take a bit different approach.  Namely, I can't have it all... I will need to specialize in the elements that are really important to me, and be satisfied with that approach.


Later gators!



Hi Rusty!


Yes, I have thought of that and intended to do it.  In fact, I have the Microscale decals on hand needed to create the KC&G switcher scheme. 


I have an undec AM Baldwin S-12 that I am detailing and will receive DCC and Tsunami sound.  In fact, I have the needed DCC decoders, sound modules, and speakers in hand to do both AM Baldwin projects. (The other AM Baldwin has been modified to reflect a DS4-4-1000 and will become Frisco #241.)  I also have a couple of undecorated SHS NW2's DCC/Tsunami equipped.


I have seriously thought about taking the S-12 and one of the NW2's and doing them up for the KC&G. 


NOTE: For illustration purposes for those of you not familiar with my KC&G theme below you'll find a pic of a Kato HO NW2 painted for the KC&G.  (I modeled my proto-lanced KC&G during the last of my HO years.)




So yes, I have considered it, and I have still not totally discounted the idea.


The trouble is that thus far, in S scale, I find more enjoyment in replicating the prototypes of the KC area than I do the KC&G.  However, frankly, the KC&G would be a much better fit to accommodate the ENGINES available in S scale.


However, all is not rosey in KC&G land either.  The needed decals for the prototype Kansas OKLAHOMA & Gulf boxcars (that I modified for use as KC&G) was an Oddballs product (that was a part of the never-to-be-delivered Oddballs order).  SOOOO... this would mean no KC&G boxcars unless I commission custom decals to be made. 


Here's a couple of HO examples of KC&G boxcars that used the modified Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf decals.




So, yes, I have thought about a KC&G reprise... and may do it... but at this point... not leaning in that direction... sort of... maybe.


The tangled webs we weave, huh?


Now, having said that, I may try to find/purchase a NIB SHS CB&Q NW2 DCC/Tsunami.  It would be my second CB&Q engine, which is enough for the CB&Q to be a "player" on the layout.  (I'm thinking in terms of pairs of switchers in a road name to equip the layout with.)


ALSO... thinking about starting the long and patient search for a brass S-2 for the KCT.  Unless the version that was imported years ago runs FAR better than the HO brass I've been exposed to, it will likely need a re-powering job, flywheels, and gear work.


However, I'm just GLAD that I'm having this discussion!  In makes me feel like there's HOPE for my KC Lines layout!

Andre, i'm very happy to see your thoughts and take a great approach to thinking things thru.  I'm elated that you're staying in S scale, we need your talent and enthusiasm!
I've posted a number of pics on the S scale Facebook page, I love S scale more everytime I work in it.
As for my rr, after nearly 4 years, my benchwork is 99.9 percent done, buildings being built and generally have exactly the power I need.  I can now begin some superdetailing, but for the most part my scenery is up and will reach that "good enough" mark.
I so appreciate the community of encouragement that we have here!  Thanks to Rusty (more pics please) Butch, Ed and so many others that encourage me!
Frank, how are you S plans coming along?

Top o' the mornin' to 'ya John, me boy!


Good to see you pop in here. 


Frank: I echo John's sentiment... post us an update on how you're coming along with S scale!


As for this thread:


Well... I do a lot of thinking... and talking too. (Or have you noticed?)  Agreed, I'm full of enthusiasm for whatever I have the fever for at the time.  Others may also feel I'm full of something else, too... but that's another story left for another time.


Me thinks at this point it would behoove me to do SOMETHING that is quickly attained to help spur me on.  Spending money is the easiest way to accomplish that (I'm deciding on which direction to spend as we speak.)  However, I'm talking about some form of tangible PROGRESS to savor. 


The Baldwins are still quite a ways off (lots of small piddly that needs to be addressed as well as the electronics side)... not wise to look in that direction for quick gratification.


Could weather some rolling stock.  That would be quick and would offer progress.


OR... I could take the engine pictured below and get it weathered and "layout ready".  This would be a good Saturday project.



However, whatever I'm going to do will have to wait until the wife and I return from Colorado.  (Gettin' ready to head out that way again this year for another week of riding dual sport dirt motorcycles amid the Colorado splendor!)


At this point, weathering the CB&Q SW is at the top of the list.


Church time beckons... later dudes!



Andre wrote:

First off: Oddball Decals is dead.  (Oddball's was the only S scale decals source I've used.  No one else had the roads/etc. I intend to model.)


Ed L. replies:

One alternative to Oddball Decals is taking HO or O decals, scanning them into a computer, adjusting the size to S and printing them out.  There are several custom decal makers that will do this at reasonable cost.  Assuming what you want is available in HO, obtaining S decals should not be terribly difficult.  Ed L.

Hi Edward!  Good to see you poppin' in here, too.


While I'm at it: Thanks for helping with the S scale website.  Really a professional looking site.  Also, enjoyed the video clip of your NYC layout found at said website. Some excellent modeling therein.


Now... lessee' what'cha had to say...

One alternative to Oddball Decals is taking HO or O decals, scanning them into a computer, adjusting the size to S and printing them out.


Alas, I don't have the capability of printing decals, to say nothing of the multicolored "layered" decals.


There are several custom decal makers that will do this at reasonable cost.  Assuming what you want is available in HO, obtaining S decals should not be terribly difficult.


Now Edward, that is a very good idea.  Your Momma didn't raise no dummy, did she? 


I didn't realize that if I can find the needed/desired HO decals, it could possibly be reproduced into S scale.  Wow... THIS could open up all SORTS of possibilities in regards to some of the more popular mid-west roads?  (Think Mop, KCS, Rock Island, etc.)


Thanks for that input!



So much for working an ANY kind of model at this point!  I've let this hobby room get totally, and completely piled with stacked hobby clutter.  On the workbench there's slot car projects, model airplane glow engine projects, some 3 rail model train stuff, R/C airplanes, control line model airplane stuff... crap, crap, and more crap.


The hobby workbench is so bad I can't even find my scale ruler!!!




My hobby "direction" is set for the foreseeable future: I gotta' go into a "selling" mode and start getting rid of some of this stuff!!!  Then I've got to condense the "keeper" stuff and regain control of my hobby room.




"Momma's don't let yer babies grow up to be PACK RATS..." (Sung with apologies to Waylon Jennings!)



Originally Posted by laming:

(Oddball's was the only S scale decals source I've used.  No one else had the roads/etc I intend to model.)

Hi Andre


If you need an alternative for decals I've had great service and support from Stan Cedarleaf, Stan does large scale decals but I'm quite sure he would be more than happy to do S scale as well.



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