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Roy boy - You betcha.  An unbelievably smooth running Blue Comet 390 with Blue Baby States in tow.  She is a honey.  
As far as the floor, I rent this place, 2nd floor above an insurance company in a house as old as these trains.  I think it was built in 1927.  Perfect bachelor pad and I love it.  I’ve been in the lumber business for over 35 years so I think it is 1 1/4” red oak stained a cherry type finish.  Judging by the grain etc.  Was thinking mahogany but prob not that available at the time.  Be hard to find 1 1/4” oak today, the standard size these days is 3 1/4”.  Nothing wrong with Douglas Fir flooring, less busy and calming.  Might be how you finish it that counts most.


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Last edited by William 1

And a more panoramic view perhaps showing what a nice train the Blue Comet set is.

It’s funny that I consider some engines as a male gender so to speak, and some as females.  This Blue Comet and my 384 are my honeys, so smooth running, handle passengers, female.  My 385E, 1835E & 392E are macho men, louder, noisier and built to haul freight.  Not that running with a female is always smooth running   Haha.  I’ll post my 384 with some Brown Baby States next.  Stay tuned.

Cheers again,       W1


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Last edited by William 1

I will finish the day’s festivities with my beloved 384 pulling 4 nice Brown Baby States.  She is a strong engine, pull down your dang garage if you could put a rope around it.  She is the all black, no stripe version which I think is the oldest model made.  My 385 & 1835 I am going to limit to a 4 car consist going forward.  They start to groan a bit with anymore cars and don’t want to stress them out.  So much for being macho  haha.  Had some fun today.  Have a layout planned to get the track off the floor and give my fleet a proper opportunity to stretch their legs.  Pretty excited about that.

As always, Cheers!       W1


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Last edited by William 1

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