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Wow, what a nice engine. Probably $2100.00 after discount, if there's nothing else in the catalog I want, I'll probably order the LCCA custom run Lionel Lines engine.

What is the glow in the dark engine? Is it the Halloween one?

Hi The LCCA will have a special edition of whatever the Vision Line will be. We will have a special number and some other features. Look for our ad after the Lionel announcement.

SAL Gambino/ Past President

@MartyE posted:

My guess is no traction tires on the tender and the engine holds back the train and lets the tender wheels "slip".  If this is the case, this locomotive was built for that feature.  Not sure this could be done on a standard steam engine.  This is all a guess as to be honest.  I looked at the posted DropBox so I guess that's as good as it gets.

Seems Lionel has some dealers that need a refreshment in "don't share until Friday" courses.  Thank goodness they're not military secrets.

Yeah I'm sure it's only possible on locomotives with multiple sets of drivers.

Thinking it through, there's either a motor on the rear set of drivers that freewheels normally, and is turned on to generate slip while the main motor keeps the mid/forward sets of drivers at the same speed using the existing cruise technology, or there are two motors running normally, and they added the ability to overspeed the motor on the rear set of drivers relative to the front. 

Either way, its interesting that they found a way that (presumably) works reliably enough that they're willing to release it.

I suspect the rear slip sound would work similar to the way the slip works on the other engines Lionel produces when you use the brake.  The MTH triplex has a single motor that drives all the wheels and has quite a gearbox to do so.  I'll have check to see if the rear wheels free wheel, I just can't recall and I am not in the place I can verify.

On the MTH unit, the rear (back) and front smoke stacks run off a common connection.  The MTH boards are capable of driving two smoke units from the same connection.  My hope is that Lionel will separate the smoke units and have them follow their respective chuff for the front and for the rear (with corresponding speakers in the front and rear as well).

There is a lot of wires, via tether, going from the tender to the engine on the MTH version.  We will see what Lionel is able to do.

Last edited by DaveGG

I find it fascinating that Lionel is doing so well with MTH toolings.   First the Mikado (I think), then the Greenbrier (especially the Chessie), and now a Visionline Triplex.   I suspect the Triplex will sell well.   I had a Railking model for awhile.   I might be interested in a Virginian version if they make one.

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