It's difficult to pick a single 'favorite' locomotive even within a group like according to era or function but when asked, a large number of folks will pick the brutish Alco PA in its several versions. I've had a few since childhood beginning with the American Flyer Blue Comet and later the Warbonnett Santa Fe. Later in 3 rail O I've had the first MTH creations in Lionel's 1st D&RG as well as Mikes Premiere Santa Fe, Southern Crescent, and SP Daylight. Also the beautiful R.O.W. brass D&H model which was far ahead of it's time compared to the others. Returning to the hobby in 2009 I picked up the Tuscan PRR ABA set by Lionel and still had the brass D&H.
These above are all gone several years ago, traded and sold and now I find myself with 5 new ones - How did that happen?
These are modern Lionels, 2 are TMCC and the other 2 are Legacy, with the Rio Grande 'Aspen Leaf' model a Williams that I custom painted and modified the fuel tank to eliminate the 'high-water' look of the stock Williams diesels.
Let's see YOUR Alco PA's in all their splendor