I thought that Lionel was going to make Nascars. Have they made any yet?
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Yes they bought out Action . Most of the die cast cars are lionel
Slightly off what you meant I think, but my dealer mentioned to me over the weekend that they are also going to try the NASCAR train route again.
Also another one of the 1/24 cars with a train theme as the decoration is being offered, but the concept he mentioned to me did not retain in my mental memory banks .
I was chatting with some people from one of the suppliers of my local LHSs at a local train show, who explained that with all the production problems and complexities going on in China, the "product cycle time" has lengthened so that it is taking a long time for any company to bring out new lines/products, etc. when you have both a new product and a new supplier, you just take a lot of time getting everything up and running.
Apparently this is affecting even Bachmann in trying to get its EZStreets up to a point where it bracnhes off and shows a product distinction from past Superstreets stuff. The also mentioned the Lionel NASCAR stuff as an example of something that would simply have to go slowly because Lionelhad to proceed slowly.
This situation in China must be frustrating for these companies, in its own way, because it limits their plans and competitiveness, just as it is for us, in our way, because everything is so delayed.
This situation in China must be frustrating for these companies, in its own way, because it limits their plans and competitiveness, just as it is for us, in our way, because everything is so delayed.
Yeah, well its their fault for moving production over to China to begin with....
Bring it back here where there will be better control!!!!!!!!!!!!