As Jay Jay says, it is a good thing if Lionel can broaden its product line profitably. NASCAR collectibles will both do that and create some product line pull-through: people who buy the coolectibles, note the Lionel name, and petrhaps move on to more trains, and vice versa. So it makes sense as a sound business move for the company.
That said, my experience is that usually when a company makes moves like this it is because one person really was committed to the idea and made it happen - and that usually that person has a personal enthusiasm for or interest in that particular new product line. Probably the idea got its start because someone within the inner four to six people who realy run Lionel liked NASCAR or knew someone in NASCAR's marketing/franchising office, etc.
I won't be much of a market for NASCAR collectibles (actually, I won't be any of a market) but I hope it goes well - it will help cover the overhead and fixed costs of running their train business . . .