What are some of your worst habits while working on your layout or running your trains?I have a few that I cannot seem to get rid of.ONE:leaving tools and debris on the track when working,then causeing a huge accident when a train goes by.TWO:When running trains I often crash into another train I forgot was parked on a section of the main line that I didn't see LOL.Nick
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I mounted a tv with a dvd player into my train room. I like background noise such as a football or baseball game when I am working on the layout. However, when the game is not on I usually throw in dvd of Hogan Heroes. Now I have seen every episode at least 10 times so you would think I could work and it would just be noise. But no, I find myself stopping to watch the dang episode if it is a good one and the next thing you know I have sat through 2 or 3 without getting anything done.
Huh. No crashes but otherwise "days on my layout without a safety violation = 0" due to not paying attention. Also guilty of setting something down (tools mostly) and then forgetting where I set it. I seem to excel at this and it is the most frequent source of cursing coming from the train room.
Imbibing and running trains....i stop when i try to change the tv channels with my DCS remote. :}...
I have the back ground TV's going as well when I am working on the layout, My shows include; WW2 in color, against the odds (my new favorite), and Hitler the rise of evil...
Another thing I will put on is Band of Brothers over and over again... all good stuff
I have a 3-train layout with 2 passenger and 1 freight. The freight has a gondola filled with M & Ms (for when the grand kids visit, of course). But when I'm running the trains I can't keep my hands off the M & Ms when the freight train passes by and find that I'm constantly having to refill the gondola.
Vern (the chocoholic)
Leaving tools on the track........I knew I couldn't hide it!
When I get a new train I open the boxes and just throw them on the floor and leave them there for several days if I'm havin fun.
The tools on the track? Not often but the occasional accident is significant: I lost Legacy ATSF 3751 that way.
I completely lose track of time and often forget its time for dinner, etc.
Putting the remote down somewhere, then the imminent crash and can't find it.
You need to listen to Classical Music or Chamber music while working on the layout. It will help you concentrate on the work.
Tools on the track. Putting down the remote then having to scramble back to it when a train uncouples somewhere. Trying to find out where I either put my glasses or some sort of tool. Might have to start wearing a TIM the TOOLMAN tool belt?
The TV, definitely during football season.
In the old lay out it was forgetting to put the lift gate down. THAT'S not going to happen on this new one.
Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.
My biggest pet peeve is knocking something over or destroying something when I am try to do cleaning or repairs.
Leaving a switch in the wrong position and having my highballing passenger train careen into the yard and crash into a line of boxcars!
Like watching the old Daniel Boone TV show while running trains? You know the show starring FESS Parker? or Gunsmoke and FESStus?
Sometimes when switching out trains I'll set a car or loco on an adjacent track and forget it's there. Then later I'll go to run the train on that track and nothing will happen, like the transformer's dead. Then I remember that other car and sure enough the wheels are shorting the track!
Like watching the old Daniel Boone TV show while running trains? You know the show starring FESS Parker? or Gunsmoke and FESStus?
Sometimes when switching out trains I'll set a car or loco on an adjacent track and forget it's there. Then later I'll go to run the train on that track and nothing will happen, like the transformer's dead. Then I remember that other car and sure enough the wheels are shorting the track!
What about "Fesstivus for the Restuvus?" (From Seinfeld)
i need to clean my desk more often. and keep losing tools. but i keep finding them when i am not looking for them.