Thanks @StevefromPA, yep that page is one I reference regarding Bing , but one thing I have learnt from researching many makes and eras, is that no one page is ever fully correct
So I try and base my conclusions on the sum of the total gleaned, so much of the early history of the things we love went undocumented at the time because they were simply toys , here one day, to be replaced the next by something newer and brighter, or when manufacturing technology advanced . The Canadian site you linked is good because the fellow there has done the collating for us and best presented it with his opinion on the timeline .
It's rather sad that many living memories of these wonderful toy companies in the early years went undocumented , in some cases even those who lasted into the 50's or later. Imagine how resourceful that first hand knowledge would be to us, instead we debate and pass on our individual thoughts on things today and try and narrow things down. Catalogues etc remain the best way , but sadly they were designed to sell a product rather than accurately document the progress of different models , so even they can be fallible on the nuances and year to year changes of "unimportant" details ..
I think thats part of why I love my little eclectic collection , the journey it takes you on when you are trying to find the elusive and then once you have , try to figure out its place in the world and its journey .
None of that is important to the future, it will never cure cancer, it will never address climate conditions, but its a tangible part of an often intangible world that can teach you a little bit about where we came from 
Wow! what depth hey lol ... I didnt see that coming when I started the post 
Perhaps this Train Collecting is a bit of an analogy for life, so many things out there we have little influence over, but when you find that little part of it you can , run with it, in whatever direction makes you happy, and if you are very very lucky, you will meet others who will help you on your journey ...
@FRENCHTRAINS , Marvellous Dijon Station ! I concur 100% with your cleaning , just light soapy warm water , testing first , and a light oil wipe to preserve 
While not strictly train related I had a play with my little Lutz-Hielschler steam tricycle today ... so kinda sorta fits here ?

Video not mine (manufacturer ) but same same
at the time billed as the smallest Steam Coach in the world lol