Loving that Mitropa Mike 
Oh .. I left out the ugly stepchild I also got this weekend on sale in France ... it was listed with a "take me home " price of 20Euro , and with the reasonable shipping to my Great Dutch friend , I could not say no ( again) ...
It is the ugly stepchild repaint of I think a pre-war Louis Roussy tin locomotive , when I say ugly I mean it , Heck even the seller listed it as " Fonctionelle ...Jus de Grenier "
Or " Working ... with Attic ( or barn) Juice " 

Here is its pretty side ... like they say , its the inside that counts !

And the sexxy angle to the camera "Instagram worthy" shot

And the plain jane unflattering "before " shot

And in a last ditch effort to win affection ... the pouty "bum" shot

Its a weird one however ... pretty sure the chimney is not right lol ... and also pretty sure its been painted but if so its been taken back to metal many years ago to do it ...
Then again I am no looker either ... and us mutts need to look after each other 
Mind you it would look nice in new clothes even though I am loathe to "restore" originals , will wait and see when its in hand ... but maybe worth a pretty up