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I have been thinking of building a small layout to take to a local train show or two. The layout will be a simple oval of classic tubular track with a possible switch with a stub track to fit one car. Anyone else build a small layout to display at a show? Any tips for showing a layout? If so lets see some of your layouts.

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Here's a couple thought starters:

  1.) Windup Train Layout (but you could use 3R electric; thanks to @David from Dearborn)

2025-02-06 01-32-00

   See: My NEW & IMPROVED Windup Train Layout (4/08/20) | David from Dearborn

  2.) Rosie O'Donnell Show Lionel 100th Anniversary Celebration Layout

2025-02-06 01-29-00

See: Rosie O'Donnell Show Lionel 100th Anniversary Celebration Layout (11/21/19) | Stout Toy & Train Specialists

Wishing you good luck with your effort!



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  • 2025-02-06 01-32-00

Our club, the Manchester Model Railroad Association is starting re-construction this weekend on our portable 4 x 8 layout.  We take the layout to local events to advertise for our club and teach people some history of the Lehigh Valley railroad.  Our club layout is a representation of the LV Manchester yard that we built in a boxcar.  For the 4 x 8, we are looking at using one of Lionel's display layout plans (D264, D164, D227, D131, or D224) modified to use 027 track so as to fit on the board.  Eventually, we'll build a second portable layout using the D27 plan, the disappearing train layout, with an elevated loop for running a second train.  The D27 layout can fit on something about 40 inches by 6 feet.  A quick search will show you pics and plans for any of these layouts.  One helpful hint, kids love pushing buttons!  So a train horn shed, crossing gate, signalman shed, any Lionel accessory that a kid can push a button to operate will enhance the appeal.  They also like tunnels, bridges, crossovers, and switches.  Lionel included these aspects in their display layouts, so why argue with what worked for them?  Best of luck to you!


  1. The most popular small layouts at shows are also the most hands on and engaging.

1. Have a siding on each long side of the table and the running loop inside of the sidings. Along the sidings have operating accessories and push buttons to activate them on the edge of the table.

2. Allow the kids to run the train with a remote or old school transformer.

3. Do not put plexiglass or any other type of fence to block people from the layout.

If you do these three things you will very busy during the show!

Last edited by bigtruckpete
  1. The most popular small layouts at shows are also the most hands on and engaging.

1. Have a siding on each long side of the table and the running loop inside of the sidings. Along the sidings have operating accessories and push buttons to activate them on the edge of the table.

2. Allow the kids to run the train with a remote or old school transformer.

3. Do not put plexiglass or any other type of fence to block people from the layout.

If you do these three things you will very busy during the show!

Some great tips there I will keep them in mind

Ease of setup, portability, neatness, color and action….. we (my modular group) have two small layouts:


6x15 or 6x11 or 6x7 (it can be set up 3 ways).

They are designed for one day shows.  The 6x15 features a remake of Lionel’s Magic Mountain. In its 6x7 and 6x11format, it is SUV transportable…..these smaller formats set up and go down in an hour. Minimum 3-4 people is needed.


This is the 12x15……yes it’s bigger…..but we made a cart to transport it (last picture). 5-6 people to set up and take down, minimum (about 1-2 hours, tops).




Solo…’ll probably want to keep it small (4x6?)……but, there is still a lot that you can do with it.



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I know many of you have seen my portable layout in the past on this Forum, but to those who are new here and are looking for ideas for a portable layout like the OP of this thread, perhaps you can glean some ideas from this post. About 12 years ago I ordered this trailer for the sole purpose of building a train layout in it for display at a couple of local train shows and a fair that I attended for 30 years displaying product for the business we are in. It is a 7'x 14' trailer, and my first layout was a simple double decker 4'x 8' with 027 tubular track and primarily porcelain type buildings. This is a couple of photos of the original layout (which I still have, but is just propped up against the wall in my garage and remains unused). I take that back, I did take it in my house a couple of Christmas holiday seasons and placed it where the Christmas tree sets, and I set the Christmas tree on top of it, and let the trains run. This really only lasted a season and then I build a 6'x 10' table made to fit in the trailer and had a basic Fastrack layout with minimal scenery, but also added a loop of K-Line Superstreets. That was a hit with the kids. After a couple of seasons of that, I added a second layer with an elongated figure 8 loop on that and filled it up with all kinds of building and figures and that has been in place now for several years. I change out some of the buildings and vehicles and make different scenes on each of the quadrants of the layout, but the track plan remains the same and the roads and superstreets remain the same. It's nice to be able to change out the scenery a little each year, so show participants are not just looking at the same thing all the time. So hope you can glean some ideas from the these photos and if you're in the Sioux City, Iowa area this weekend, this display will be at that show.DSCN7002

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