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I am trying to use my MTH TIU's Variable Track 1 - the TIU is REVL - i am using two z1000 bricks - one to power the Fixed Input 1 and the other connected to Variable Input 1. i am using the MTH leads that have one connection to the plug on the connection to the transformer and two banana plus to the TIU.   I tested the voltage off each of the Z1000's and it registers 20vAC at each of the binding posts.  when i hook leads from the Variable 1 Out to the track and use the DCS Handheld to select TRK, Variable 1,Name the track - them access Track screen it shows the Track Name-Variable1Out and 0.0 volts.  as i turn the scroll knob and increase the voltage it shows 5.0, then turn more it goes up progressively till around 11 volts then the breaker on the transformer trips - the fuses in the TIU are all ok.  there is nothing on the track - so i disconnected the output to the track - tried again to raise the voltage and the voltage on handheld shows that it supposedly goes up from 5 to 5.5 to 6 to 7 etc then the transformer trips out again.  i put a meter on the Variable Output! while i was moving the knob to raise the voltage but never got any indiction of voltage going up. the Tiu has power and the input voltage is constant to the Fixed Input - I have been careful about the leads etc so nothing is shorted out - I have also tried different transformers and the same thing happens - what could i be doing wrong

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Since you have a meter, measure the Ohms (resistance) between red-black posts of the Variable 1 output with the TIU unpowered/off.  It should be very high... say in the millions of Ohms.  You could measure Variable 2 output to compare.  If instead it reads near 0 or just a few Ohms, then as Lou suggests you could have a shorted TVS diode which is inside the TIU near the output posts.  These are 50-cent parts and user-replaceable but requires soldering. 

Following this line of reasoning.  Your transformer(s) trips when the current exceeds some threshold.  When commanding low voltages, the current from the transformer is low enough even "driving" a short-circuit (in the TVS).  As you raise the voltage, the current increases proportionally and at some voltage point the breaker trips.

If you indeed measure shorted TIU outputs (between red-black posts) see this OGR post which shows the locations of the TVS components and some info on where to get replacements.  IIRC you can even buy them from MTH if you can find the magic MTH part number but I think they are quite expensive purchased that way.  These are "generic" components.

You can confirm a shorted-TVS diagnosis by simply clipping one lead of the TVS and re-measuring the Ohms between the red-black output posts.  If the short disappears you can even turn on the TIU and confirm the variable channels works again (AC voltage goes up and down at the red-black output posts without blowing the transformer breaker).  I wouldn't drive a track until replacing the TVS but I think it would go a long way to assuring you that you're on the right track so to speak!

ok - i measured the resistance between the red/black outputs on both the Variable 1 & 2 outposts- both measured near 0 or 0.05 - the resistance on the fixed posts were in the millions - i will try snipping the TVS and trying to see if the output voltage will respond - in any case I will order some new TVS's and replace - going to use the 39's vs 33's - will post what i finally find - thanks to all for help

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