If I use a PH 180 to power my TIU and a Command Base for running TMCC engines, would there be any need for placing a PowerMaster and/or a Direct Lock-on in the system? Would it hurt anything to have them in the system?
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All you need is the poho powering the TIU, then wires from the TIU to the track.
The command base is connected to the TIU using the MTH cable, and one wire from the U connection to the outside rail connection.
There is no need for the powermaster. The TIU can vary the track voltage using the variable channels so you can run conventional when desired.
Forgot to mention, this is all covered really well in Barry's book.
Thanks Rod!
Actually, I was thinking more along the "What If" scenario:
What would it do if the PowerMaster or Direct Lock-On WERE installed?
No fault of Barry's, but sometimes when I read his book I think "OK, I know what it'll do if I do this, but what if I do something else, or how do I undo this and get back to where I was"?
If you would do that I would recommend running the TIU in passive mode. This is also in Barry's book.
Install the lock on and powerhouse to the track. Then send hot and common to the TIU and have nothing in the inputs.
If this is used you would have to have an auxiliary power supply on the TIU, you can either connect the Lionel command base to the TIU or one wire to common, or the outside rails.
Sound like I don't gain anything by adding them in, so they'll stay out of the loop!
Actually, I was thinking more along the "What If" scenario:
What would it do if the PowerMaster or Direct Lock-On WERE installed?
No fault of Barry's, but sometimes when I read his book I think "OK, I know what it'll do if I do this, but what if I do something else, or how do I undo this and get back to where I was"?
Do not use the TMCC direct lockon with the TIU, it kills the TIU signal! I found this out when I was trying to get our modular club running on DCS, after removing the TMCC lockons, I started to make progress.
I expect the PowerMaster would do the same thing.
Bob, I never even considered the PowerMaster with the TIU, it really doesn't make sense, it's a power control device. However, you might think the TMCC Direct Lockon adds protection, but it doesn't.
You could probably use the TMCC Direct Lockon on the input side between a transformer and the TIU for protection, but I prefer a circuit breaker that trips and stays that way until I reset it.
I put a TPC/300 in front of a fixed TIU channel because I needed a 3rd variable channel for conventional. It works for me. With the Lionel Cab-1 I can toggle between command which passes voltage through the 300. Or I can run variable voltage and set speed steps at 80/200/400.
A Powermaster is capable of the same.
The Powermaster would give you a conventional channel through your Cab-1. I think the Lionel Lockon shuts down power when the E-stop button is pressed on the Cab-1.
Interesting approach, I guess that works. Of course, if this is channel 1, you probably want aux power to the tiu or it'll go to sleep on you.