Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
Hi! I'm a newboe to TMCC
Since TMCC was introduced before the CW-80 and Fastrack, there's no mention in the command base manual how to hook it up with a CW-80 or Fastrack. While Fastrack isn't an issue,a few questions on TMCC and a CW-80,
Is it problematic to use the TMCC command base with a CW-80?
Not for small layouts with basic equipment. You are limited to 5 amps.
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
Are there any possible pitfalls I need to be aware of?
-Current limited to 5 amps output.
-You must know which revision of the CW you are using - early CW's have the red posts common(A & B), later units have the black posts common(U & U).
-Run the CW at full throttle or program the accessory output to full voltage and use those output posts. Some folks like to power up with the throttle, though, and this maintains functionality for non-TMCC operation.
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
How do you wire a command base with a CW-80 to Fastrack?
One wire from the command base "U" terminal post to the layout common outside rails. The connection can be made anywhere, at the track, a terminal block, transformer, eg.