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The steam and diesel options are for specific products that have a different speed curve.  I know the original Vision Line Genset was configured as a diesel switcher, and it has VERY good low speed performance.  I believe the B6b steam switcher is properly configured as a steam switcher.  AFAIK, the only difference is the different scale speeds at a specific speed step on the Legacy remote.  The settings have no meaning with TMCC, at least none that I can observe.

@Joe Fermani posted:

John is spot on.  I'll further add, if you put a switcher in a lashup, it automatically switches to the standard speed curve. When it's not in a lashup it reverts back to its switcher speed steps. I have the genset and the b6sb, both configured as switchers. They have great low speed performance.

I realized my 0-6-0 doesn’t lashup with anything and that’s configured as a normal steamer, I think the gearbox is just too unique. Sucks tho I really wanted to lashup 89 and 31.

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