As some of you know, I am working on building a layout. I have designed the track plan using Atlas track and switches however I have been advised by my local shop that I should consider using Ross switches instead. I have a friend who has Atlas switches on his track and he is working through various derailing problems. Specifically with his big steam and some tenders with more than two trucks, as well as some larger rolling stock.
I have only purchased 2 new Atlas 7.5 switches for a passing siding, but they are new in box and I can return them. I have purchase Atlas track for the first loop of track. The more I looked into Ross switches I found that they are indeed a few bucks cheaper than Atlas switches, even with the DZ1000 switch machine installed.
My question is this.... Would it be advisable to use Ross switches with my Atlas track? I would save a bit of money and it sounds like I wouldn't have to deal with the reliability issues that I have read and heard about. If so would I still just stick with the O72 switches, which is the majority of the switches in the track plan, or would you guys recommend another size? I have locomotives as small as a Legacy S2 switcher to the MTH Premier Big Boy and all engines in between. I have spoken to the gentleman that is helping with the track plan, and we can rework it to go with Ross switches if need be. If you need any more information just let me know and I will happy to fill in the blanks. Thanks!