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Yes, it's fine. Modern smoke fluid may contain some water- hence freezing, but is not damaged by cold.

"smoke fluid is a mixture of between 10 to 75% glycol to water depending on how dense the fog is desired. The water tends to be distilled/deionised/demineralised to remove contaminants that could cause furring of the machines heater block, and it is also pretty sterile to reduce the risk of bacteria growing in the solution. Propylene glycol is sometimes used in combination with the triethylene glycol to create different smoke characteristics"

Hebanetor et al,

All of our shipments state:  "Winter Weather Note:  Freezing or slushing can occur during winter shipping. Allow to thaw at room temperature, shake well, and all will be fine!"  We are not sure about other manufacturer's smoke fluid, but we use only the finest ingredients including a highly refined oil water!

During severe cold weather like many of us are experiencing, this freezing, slushing can occur much like diesel fuel in vehicles. No problem, just let it warm up and you are "good to go!" 

Do they still make a fluid that cleans out the old wick. I bought a couple engines that are really bothersome smells to put up with. I tried using a milder fluid but no change. Thanks Dave

EDIT- oops- wrong type of "cleaner" in my search - Eliminator is the one supposed to clean out the old smell from a smoke unit

JT's Mega-Steam Smoke Fluid - Nada is the no scent one

JT's Mega-Steam Smoke Fluid - b-Gone Cleaner- as in clean up a smoke fluid spilled or dripped on an engine. Physical or appearance cleaner

Last edited by Vernon Barry

Do they still make a fluid that cleans out the old wick. I bought a couple engines that are really bothersome smells to put up with. I tried using a milder fluid but no change. Thanks Dave

Yep, and it works pretty well, but it does take several fills to kill the old smell.  For customer smoke repairs, I frequently use Eliminator since it's doing what it's supposed to.  While JT's NADA doesn't have a specific scent, it is not "scent free" IMO, so I don't use that.

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