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I was just wondering if the driver code or tire thickness of KTM built models (MG, USH, WS, PSC) changed over the years? I kinda thought the MG and USH locos were built with wider driver/tires (.172) than maybe the later WS and PSC models.

Secondly, when did KTM start installing can motors rather than open frame?

Third, were KTM can motors really Pittmans in disguise or actually a Japanese built motor?

Fourth, where would a KTM can motor, model RH-4462S, fit into the genesis of power (USH, WS, PSC) installed in KTM models?

Last, when measuring drivers and wheels to learn the code, do you include the entire width including the flange or just the tread?

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I use Pitmann motors in my USH engines, the motor mount will fit .

Same with me WRT Pittman replacement.  You will need a couple 1/2” 6-32 screws and washers.

I am fairly certain the Japanese can motors were not Pittman.

BTW do not get too caught up in the Voltage ratings on the Pittmans.  I use up to a 30Volt rated motor.  If you want high speed action then get 12Volt rated motors but be prepared to about twice as much.

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