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Recently purchased a number of these poles.  I believe they are Lionel #80.  One of the poles has a base that differs from the others.  The pole in question has a wire “handle” at the base.  This wire extends upward through the interior of the pole.  I can see no function for the wire.  I can find no manufacturer’s  markings on the unit.  Please tell me if you know who made thepole and the purpose of the wire handle at the base.7DBFAB8D-55EF-4291-9FFB-1C7C51751E8776DD5DE4-F8DA-4D60-ADAF-75D5D71A00B4


Images (2)
  • 7DBFAB8D-55EF-4291-9FFB-1C7C51751E87
  • 76DD5DE4-F8DA-4D60-ADAF-75D5D71A00B4
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Thanks for you replies.  I believe you are correct, that the parts were likely meant to be assembled into a #62 semaphore.  Close examination revealed a small hole and a slot on two opposing sides of the upper tower that I’m guessing were intended to mount the semaphore arm. There are no scratches or rub marks in the paint at these locations that indicate the past existence of any sort of bracket.  Makes me wonder if someone at the factory picked up a tower for a semaphore and assembled a cross arm to make a #80 telegraph pole.

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