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I just got an older Great Northern 0-8-0 (6-38046) TMCC version.   Runs well, but the chuffs start out at 4 per rev and then go to 3 per rev and will jump back and forth, mainly running at 3 chuffs per rev.  I am thinking I have a bad or sticky cherry switch and was going to replace it.  Yes I did a engine reset.  Do others think the cherry switch or something else.  Thanks for your feedback.

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The switch is held on to a bracket with a screw. Its common for the screw to loosen just a bit and move the switch away from the cam just far enough that it doesn’t close consistently. Maybe one cam lobe is off a small amount. ,010” or less is all it takes.

Its almost the same amount of work to adjust the switch as replace it. If you adjust or replace you want to test it before putting it all back together. To do that you want to put an ohmmeter on the switch contacts or connector soldered to it and turn the flywheel to rotate the wheels and make sure the ohmmeter goes to zero 4 times per wheel revolution. Actually if you do that before you adjust it you can verify if thats the problem.


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