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I had to open up my TMCC Dash-9 to reconnect the antenna wire to the metal plate and after I put it back together, the sound is completely unresponsive to commands. The loco has an ERR CC-M installed and runs great, lights work, smoke works, etc. But the sound unit does not seem to respond to CAB-2 commands (start up, shut down, direction, fire couplers, horn, bell, etc) or changes in the locos motion (i.e. RPMs don't change). I've tried reseating the railsounds audio and power boards as well as the R2LC, but it hasn't helped.

I think I can rule out the R2LC since the loco runs and lights/couplers/smoke all work. I do have the serial RX from the CC-M soldered to the correct pin on the L2RC connector. However I've run the loco quite a bit with the CC-M installed, so if serial load was an issue, I think I should have observed this issue before now.

Can I rule out the railsounds power board since the loco does make sounds? Seems like the railsounds audio board may be the issue?

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This issue seems somewhat inconsistent. I was going to swap boards but figured I’d throw it back on the track first and see what happened. It ran totally fine! Then a day or two later I fired it up again and it was misbehaving. There was one instance where I was getting a lot of random crew talk when trying to trigger the horn and bell. I will probably try swapping the boards again, but any other thoughts?

He reseated the boards, it's unlikely that oxidation set in so quickly.   That's why I'm suggesting reseating the PLCC chips, I find they are a problem more often than the board connectors.  The board connectors have a gold flash on the pins and mating connector, the PLCC chips are just tin plated, they're much more likely to oxidize after a few years, and the many I have fixed by reseating those chips bears that out.

I reseated both chips on the RS audio board with the PLCC tool but it didn't seem to help. I also swapped both the RS audio and power boards from the K-Line Big Boy I mentioned earlier in this thread. That also didn't seem to help. It doesn't seem like the R2LC would be the problem here since the loco responds perfectly to speed, direction, and coupler commands, but I'm going to try swapping that as well to make sure.

Any other thoughts or suggestions, please reply! I'll follow up with results

Thanks to all for the help so far!

The reason that doesn't seem possible is b/c this loco has an ERR CC-M installed, with its serial RX soldered to the correct pin on the R2LC header. I guess it's possible that the issue is somewhere on the MLB between the R2LC output and the RS audio header? I will report back on the R2LC swap.

Actually, it's not only possible, but it's even more likely!  The forum is filled with stories about adding loads to the serial data causing issues with either the CC-M or the Railsounds.  I even built a special board just to fix issues like this!

R2LC Serial Data Buffer

The picture below is my new and "improved" serial data buffer that was an outgrowth of the above thread link.


Images (1)
  • mceclip0

If the R2LC swap doesn't do the trick, I'll probably have to try a buffer. I see you updated the board to use through-hole parts - great choice as many of us aren't very good at soldering I ordered a couple of the earlier version from you a while back and botched them both b/c I can't solder SMT parts to save my life

I got a chance to work on trains today and swapped the R2LC with the one from the K-Line Big Boy I mentioned earlier - that seems to have completely solved the problem! I only got about 20 minutes of runtime so far but for all of that time the loco was running perfectly smooth and slow with the CC-M and sound was working perfectly. I can only hope this new good behavior persists

Thanks to all for the advice and helpful suggestions!

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