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Hello, this is a question based in ignorance, so any information will be appreciated. I am tempted to pick up a K-Line locomotive that is equipped with TMCC. I am not familiar with TMCC as I basically run post war or MTH all in conventional control. I am not interested in adding TMCC or DCS to my layout, but am really drawn to this K-Line locomotive as it fits into my layout’s historical period.

So, what functions would this locomotive have in conventional control? I have been told that I would have a whistle and bell. Would it have any other features in conventional control such as engine sounds or crew talk?



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Sorry, I feel like my response may be seen as negative. By far, I like several K-line engines and they definitely were pushing the hobby and innovating. So by all means, if you like the engine and it fits your railroad, don't let anything I said hold you back. There are limitations compared to TMCC operation, but honestly, even a Legacy in conventional has similar limitations.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

I sometimes run my TMCC and Legacy engines on a floor layout in conventional mode. My engines are S gauge but I do not think they work any differently in conventional from O gauge. I can actuate the whistle and bell with the two buttons on the controller. A short push on the whistle button activates TowerCom when idling and CrewTalk when in motion. The sounds will sequence through all the available dialogs with each additional button push. For the most part my Legacy engines start up in neutral, TMCC engines start up in forward. At lower throttle settings on initial power up the engine will idle allowing the "Cleared to Depart" TowerCom dialog to be played. The smoke works fine and the engine chuff sounds work normally but they are not adjustable for effort on grades.

My only real frustration in conventional is there is no way to fire the electrocoupler.

Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to move on acquiring this locomotive.


K-line made great stuff. Don't let lack of a control system stop your purchase. I ran TMCC and MTH PS engines conventionally for a while until I made the jump into command control. I use a KW for power so I can't access some of the functions so a modern transformer is required at minimum.

Lionel Cab 1 and Cab 1L systems are available at reasonable cost and as @KOOLjock1 said, one wire connected to the track buss is all you need. I bought a 1L system from a forum member last year and I'm glad I did. If you decide to look for a system, make sure the factory power supply is included. Lionel's system uses your home's ground wiring as an antenna for the TMCC signal.

2021-07-09 14.40.01

2021-06-01 11.46.03



Images (2)
  • 2021-07-09 14.40.01
  • 2021-06-01 11.46.03

TMCC - will run just fine in Conventional Mode along side your Post War Loco's that don't have any special Remote Options.

You won't even know that it has TMCC.

It will just act like Post War and respond to your Direction/Throttle (Track Voltage) for speed  and Horn/Whistle.

It might have some default Startup Talk Chatter and Chuffing or Diesel sounds but that would be about it.

The ONLY recommendation might be to ADD - TVS Diodes to your Track Power Feed. As this K-Line Loco will have Electronic E-Units and other Circuit Boards that would make it worth the protection for your investment that your older Post War doesn't really need. There are several posts on TVS Diodes including P/N#'s and sources. I bought a package of 20 for under $5.00. And they simply bridge the (2) wires going to the track and your done.

Last edited by Yendor

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