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Oops, The local inspector has issued the #1st violation and forbade start up. You failed code. No condensation trap.

A horizontal pipe, J bend, and lower horizontal pipe. 1/2"-3/4" white PVC on most modern units that size. A bent wire?

On an old unit, and pvc, where in snows, it would likely be broken off and laying there half the time, lol.

Adriatic posted:

Oops, The local inspector has issued the #1st violation and forbade start up. You failed code. No condensation trap.

A horizontal pipe, J bend, and lower horizontal pipe. 1/2"-3/4" white PVC on most modern units that size. A bent wire?

On an old unit, and pvc, where in snows, it would likely be broken off and laying there half the time, lol.


this is just the unit the installation is on you.

A bend white coated wire could be a good idea.



  I also see a panel knock out down low. DoThat's usually for a drain for the coil area under the fan, the condensate drain is usually towards the middle more near the cooling coils, but how each is run by the installer can vary by the needs for each install too. I've had to run them inside and over to that section too.

  I keep thinking an electric locos sound card, like from an E-33 at idle, is pretty close to a big HVAC unit running. I'll try to remember to turn my sound on and check later.

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