Barry could you explain some of your points a bit more? I'm completely new to trains. We just bought our first MTH RTR set 4 weeks ago so this is all new to me. The one point I could completely understand was your third point about the rollers maybe being spaced out in a way that I could loose power... I met another person on this site w/ the same engine I have and he said he was able to go through O-31 turnouts very slowly with his w/o loosing power.
Your other 2 points I'm not quite sure of what they mean or what I should try to do.
Thanks though! I just ordered your book this weekend from Amazon but it will be here Tuesday. Not sure if these types of issues are covered but still looking forward to it.
Originally Posted by Barry Broskowitz:
Some things to consider...
First, RealTrax does not have any internal connection between true two outer rails, except perhaps internal to its switch tracks.
Second, the control rails used for automatic non derailing operation (the two outside rails that form a "V" in the curved area of each switch track) are insuated from track Common.
Third, there is no guarantee that a particular engine's pickup roller spacing will not cause it to be able to land all pickup rollers on center rail dead spots simultaneously, although with a single O31 switch track this is very unlikely to occur.
Fourth, if an engine does not have at kleast one mental, non-traction tired wheel on an outside rail that actually has Common running in it, the engine can stall, particularly if it's running very slowly at the time.