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The editor said: "you National Capital Tracker folks need to really get the word out by posting a separate thread here promoting your participation.  Might even include a few teaser photos from prior displays to show the uninitiated what you have."


Well, I can't speak with "authority," not being an officer or anything, but if you will accept some teaser photos from "experience," here's what I have seen at previous Tracker shows.  So, if you will accept these and the comments as my opinion only, here goes......


One of the things I think is really neat about the National Capital Trackers is the diversity of the modules.  Some are urban, some are rural, some are very scenic, others are more like the toy train layouts of the 50's. Here's what I mean:








scenic 3-10-2012 9-30-59 AM

steelmill 3-10-2012 9-32-11 AM


Images (5)
  • hellgaesteam
  • urbandieselsteam
  • DSCN1349
  • scenic 3-10-2012 9-30-59 AM
  • steelmill 3-10-2012 9-32-11 AM
Original Post

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But one thing for sure, there will be kids' smiles a-plenty!


Now, of course, there is no way of knowing yet which, if any, of these views may make it to York, so don't take these photos as a "preview." They are meant to show only what has been seen in the past. But if the best way to predict "future behavior" is "look at past behavior," there will be lots of happy folks who visit the Black Hall in April.








Images (3)
  • kidstrains
  • DSCN1754
  • DSCN1710
Last edited by BANDOB

Thanks for the photos!  Those will help give folks a good sampling of the treat that awaits them in the Black Hall at the April meet.


Now for my editorial comment to the TCA Eastern Div. officers:


If the Black Hall (or some other hall) is reserved exclusively for the display of modular or other groups, those halls should be treated just like any of the other public areas on the fairgrounds (outdoor areas, grandstand, cafeterias, etc.).  In short, such exhibit-only halls should be open to photography by the TCA membership.  It makes absolutely no sense to apply photo restrictions to a attraction that many hobbyists would routinely view as an "idea mill" and excellent learning opportunity.

"If the Black Hall (or some other hall) is reserved exclusively for the display of modular or other groups, those halls should be treated just like any of the other public areas on the fairgrounds (outdoor areas, grandstand, cafeterias, etc.).  In short, such exhibit-only halls should be open to photography by the TCA membership.  It makes absolutely no sense to apply photo restrictions to a attraction that many hobbyists would routinely view as an "idea mill" and excellent learning opportunity."


...and (IMHO) it might be worth considering that the Black Hall also be open to the public at no charge.  Great place for families to visit and promote the hobby to newcomers.


We have badges so the visitors could be allowed only in the Black Hall.  There's no sales going on, so no tax issues either.   I'm sure that lots of people in the area are aware of the "large bunch of train guys" that gather in York every six months, why not invite them to see the best of what it's all about!




ps. My 8 piece modular layout seems a bit small.  Time to start building more.  What an inspiration!

Last edited by eddiem
Originally Posted by eddiem:

...and (IMHO) it might be worth considering that the Black Hall also be open to the public at no charge.  Great place for families to visit and promote the hobby to newcomers.


My guess is that would not produce the desired result.  Mr. & Mrs. J. Q. Public and the Public tykes would likely not be terribly thrilled to come to the fairgrounds and be allowed access to only one building when they see thousands of folks going in and out of the other buildings.  They'll want to know why they can't go in those buldings, too.  That would be a bad thing, and very hard to explain.


York is a TCA Eastern Div. train MEET for TCA members and their families.  People tend to so easily forget that.  There are plenty of train SHOWS in that part of the country each year to more than cater to and satisfy the entertainment needs of the general public.  Despite the whining that goes on prior to every York Meet, my sincere feeling is that opening the event to the general public would mark the beginning of the end of the York Meet.


Anyhow, it's up to the E.D. to run the event as they see fit.  I will continue to offer my recommendations and suggestions, but they are certainly free to ignore them.  Makes no real difference to me because I'll be at York in April, God willing, and I will have a thoroughly wonderful time being there, just as I have so often in the past.

Last edited by Allan Miller

York is a TCA Eastern Div. train MEET for TCA members and their families.  People tend to so easily forget that.  There are plenty of train SHOWS in that part of the country each year to more than cater to and satisfy the entertainment needs of the general public.  Despite the whining that goes on prior to every York Meet, my sincere feeling is that opening the event to the general public would mark the beginning of the end of the York Meet.


And the end of the TCA itself.

Originally Posted by eddiem: 

   ...I'm sure that lots of people in the area are aware of the "large bunch of train guys" that gather in York every six months, why not invite them to see the best of what it's all about!



They are invited, everyone is invited.  All they need to do is join the TCA, and they can do that right at the Fairgrounds.  Since it would likely be a destination for any non-member visitors, I'd like to see a booth in the Black Hall for applying for membership.


I'm looking forward to seeing the Tracker's set up! 



Alan, I'm not even sure any of us would be qualified to remove Eddie's status as York  Ambassador Emeritus.  Even if one day he earns the additional title of Sourpuss York Ambassador Emeritus, he still da man.


Eddie has a point, York is primarily a buying and selling meet, and a quick look in the Black Hall at recent meets has left me shrugging my shoulders and getting back to the action in the members' halls.


But if the Trackers are bringing a layout like this, this is a game changer.  Wow!  It looks like a tremendous amount of work ahead for their members (rewarding, hopefully) and a great show for the rest of us.  I will certainly spend some time enjoying the layout, admiring the work, and getting ideas.  Bill and Justin, thank you this thread and the photos!


How do the Trackers themselves feel about photography of their layout at York?



I'm all packed up here. We filled a 6x12 trailer, and my Exploder. Please stop by and say hi. I would encourage everyone to go see ALL the layouts while you're there, as I'm sure everyone's worked just as hard as we have to put this on.

This show is really going to be one for the ages. We're going to be right about 110'x28', but it folds over itself, so its effectively 140' long.... over 900 feet of mainline track is in the layout. An unbelievable amount of new stuff was built for the show, our new wiring harness makes its public debut, and we've added a 2nd power cabinet to keep things running a bit more smoothly.

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