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Any body out there know when the first issue came out? The earliest one I have is March 1965. 


Happy Thanksgiving to all.


The first R-1 to 9 holiday train will run this Sunday. Check the. NY Transit museum site for the. Entire holiday schedule. It's free for just a regular fare. 




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I am missing a handful of the the 1965 issues.


The earliest issue I have is the May 65 issue and that according to the table of contents page this was Volume 1, Issue 3.  It also seems to indicate that with that issue was becoming a monthly magazine.  That should indicate that 1965 was the 1st year.


What does the March issue state as to volume and issue number??



I found the Traction Fan's Directory 1965. I was 13 when I got this. There was a June 1964 Traction & Models brochure with FREE as a price.  It's pictured in an ad and has a photo of the Traction Terminal at Indianapolis on the cover. The text says "Traction & Models will begin as soon after the first of 1965 as possible."


The March 1968 issue had a Third Anniversary Issue banner across the top of the front cover.


Later Traction & Models added an O Gauge Railroading supplement in the center of the magazine prior to be published as a separate magazine by Casey Jones, Vane's son.

Right you are, Bill...and that supplement went on to become O Scale Railroading Magazine, purchased by Myron Biggars after Vane Jones death.  Sometime, it morphed into O Gauge Railroading, but I don't remember whether that was before or after it was acquired by the present ownership and brought to it's present prominence in Model Railroad publications.

   I was a subscriber to Traction and Models early on, and have bound copies of the entire run in my library.  Since I was a subscriber when the O Scale supplement began would that qualify me as a charter subscriber to O Gauge Railroading?

   By the way, I can attest to the fact that the first regular edition of Traction and Models bears a March, 1965 cover date.  An eight page prospectus edition dated June, 1964 was published and distributed free at train shows, hobby shops and by mail to those requesting it.

To directly answer mwb's question, the March, 1965 edition of Traction and Models says it is Vol. 1, number 1.   I expect that was the date it went out to shops and subscribers.  The next issue was April, 1965...later on, the cover date had little relation to when Traction & Models actually went on sale.  Jones was notorious for being late, sometimes by several months...but he published a good and much needed magazine.  I wish there was a similar magazine published today for the traction fans among us.     

Originally Posted by Logan Matthews:

To directly answer mwb's question, the March, 1965 edition of Traction and Models says it is Vol. 1, number 1.   I expect that was the date it went out to shops and subscribers.  The next issue was April, 1965...later on, the cover date had little relation to when Traction & Models actually went on sale.  Jones was notorious for being late, sometimes by several months...but he published a good and much needed magazine.  I wish there was a similar magazine published today for the traction fans among us.     



Yes, a lack of timeliness was eventually an issue and some of the later issues clearly exhibit that fault as issue number and date varied quite a bit from the actual date on the interior of magazine.


Still, an excellent source of information and I wish I could find the rest of the copies that I am missing.


As for a similar magazine today - unlikely as the numbers of subscribers probably is not adequate to support a stand-alone publication.  The owner of OST and I had several discussions about that becoming a viable a publication and dropped it for that numbers reason.  OST still does publish O scale traction articles!!!

Thanks for the reply. This means that I have the entire set. I also have many Traction heritage issues also produced by Vane. He was a pioneer in the traction world. Much information that is still relevant today. His best modeling advice if you recall was "SCROUNGE". Sure do miss the magazine along with Rich Wagners Trolley Talk and other publications of the day.  I guess it shows my age. I can recall the old timers in the model traction hobby. For the nostalgic record, who do you people remember. On that happy note, how many of you recall Ma Webster's  Railroad Shop on 45th Street in Mahattan?Nate

Perhaps we should remember that Vanes Jones had far more going than just Traction & Models.  There was Jones Manville Paving block sheets, Spanish Tile sheets and HO and O scale model buildings (which were discontinued when T&M started).  There were Indianapolis Car Co. Master Kit Components which were modular interurban body pieces available in Jewett, Cincinatti, St. Louis or Niles designs. He later published Traction Heritage which reprinted articles from various traction publications.

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