Scottsdale is still not open, the city has not published a plan for reopening, we are in the situation that the city owns the building, so until they sanitize and allow reopening, we are closed. The summer is our slow time, the heat is a factor and the public visits slow down during the summer with reduced hours, and we would only gather for weekly functions on Thursday. Business meetings are not held July and August.
Our club, which is one of 4 in the building, before the shutdown was using hand sanitizer, wipes and soap and water on surfaces. The remotes are definitely a concern, as are the Z-4000 handles and trains themselves.
We will most likely have mask requirements, along with using hand sanitizer, wipes before and after each use. Once the building opens, we will need to watch the interaction with the public, which normally has access to the building during open hours 7 days a week. The glass wall surrounding each layout is an often touched surface which will need cleaned much more often than before the shutdown. We also use individual hand touch activators for our public activated animations and trains, which may have to be stopped until we figure out a safe way to keep them part of our public program.
If there is a procedure that a club uses or knows of to keep remotes, and the surfaces we all touch while enjoying the clubs, I would appreciate a sharing of those procedures, for all of us to benefit.
I am very much looking forward to reopening our club.
President Paradise & Pacific RR Club