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hi everyone trainfam here,

 I have run into a little bit of a road block in repairing my Lionel 5 steam engine. The rubber bushings that secure the hot shoe to the frame of the motor have broken, so now the engine does not set properly on the track. I tried eBay to find the part, and no luck. I also tried Jeff at the train tender and unfortunately he could not help ether. So now I need your help, does anyone here have any idea where I can buy these or can make them?



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I would take your old rubber washer n the train with  you to a ACE HARDWARE store I'll bet you can match up one close enough to work ,ace hardware are all over they  have all types of washer bolts nut screws etc! I did an internet search on internet you can buy them almost anywhere check out below!


Last edited by Alan Mancus

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