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Gary:  Given that its a battery set you might try a few simple tests as a starting point.  You can use a simple meter to do the tests.

1. Check continuity between the battery contacts and the power output terminals.  i.e. if the battery voltage isn't getting to the power out terminal, you cannot get the power to the track.

2. Check for power flowing to the track...plug the battery box to the track and make sure that the power is transferring from the battery box to the track.  In Lionel, we would check what they called the "lock on".  If that is ok, then check that the power is not being interrupted at one of the sectional track joints i.e. one track section to another.

3. If accessible, you can check to see that there is continuity from the track contact points to the motor.  If not, it would likely indicate that a wire from the contact points on the underside of the loco is no longer connected to the motor

4. Make sure that all rotating parts can actually move, including the motor armature.  Old grease on these items can sometimes harden and prevent turning.  Some gentle cleaner with a "Q" tip will normally work.

Candidly given my small amount of expertise this is about the limit of my "simple" tests, all of which take a simple meter (which you can get at Harbor Freight for about 5$ if you don't have one .

Best of luck, let us know how it works out.


Last edited by Don McErlean

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